© 1997-2024
John Saunders - British Chess Game Archive

What's New (n.b. record of pre-2020 updates here)

Posted (dd/mm/yy) Tournament Title & Year Winner Contributor, Notes
21/10/24 1971 Oxford International George Botterill Nine games and five part-games from a nine-round Swiss held in Oxford in July 1971 won by Botterill ahead of three continental IMs. Alongside it were a women's international (no games available) and a seven-round Swiss (14 games including seven of my own games). Latest: added the full score of V Ciocaltea 1-0 D Gliksman (which had previously been an incomplete game of 36 moves). Many thanks to Florin Dan for sending the score.
19/10/24 Games of Victor Russ (1905-1985) - This is a work in progress. Victor John Anthony Russ was a strong English player from the late 1920s through to the 1980s who won the Leicestershire Championship twice, the Lancashire Championship once and also won a BCF Major Open tournament. I was pleased to be loaned a collection of his scorebooks by his son Steve Russ, to whom many thanks. I'm in the process of entering the games at the moment. The collection is not complete - there are no games from pre-WW2 competitions - but the great majority of Russ's games from 1947 to 1984 are being digitised and made available.
19/10/24 1985 British Championship Jon Speelman All 418 games (including a few stubs and bye games), plus 19 games from other sections. Latest: three games added from lower sections: (1) J Boersma 1-0 M Hennigan (Major Open); (2) A Watts 0-1 N Jakubovics (Five-Day Wk1); (3) C McGregor 0-1 G A M Boswell (Soanes a.p.a.). Also, A Keehner 1-0 S Cullip corrected to show it was played in the Under-11 (not the Under-9) Championship.
19/10/24 Peter C Gibbs File - Peter C Gibbs (1934-2023) was joint British under-18 champion in 1952, went on to play in several British Championships and wrote chess columns in regional newspapers. There are now 152 of his games (including 4 part-games) from 1952 to 2010. Latest: Added the game PC Gibbs ½-½ RK Taylor, Atkins Open (Leicester), 01.09.1974. Many thanks to Robert Taylor for sending the game.
12/10/24 1976 British Championship Jonathan Mestel All 198 Championship games, plus 22 games from other sections, crosstables, results. Latest: added the game DM Andrew 1-0 G Szaszvari (Major Open). Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, 11 October 2024, for which many thanks.
12/10/24 1924/25 Hastings G Maroczy, S Tartakower All 59 Premier games plus 6 from lower sections. Latest: added the game WE Leffler 0-1 W Stevens, 2nd Class Section 1. Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, 11 October 2024, for which many thanks.
12/10/24 1965 Northern Open, Whitby B Brinck Claussen 38 games (including five part-games and 1 stub) from this 11-round Swiss played July/August. Latest: added five games played by Victor Russ, from his scorebook kindly lent by Steve Russ. For some reason Russ did not enter his 2nd week games into his scorebook.
10/10/24 1948 British Championship Reginald J Broadbent 27 of the 66 games and 13 part-games of the 1948 British Championship, held at Bishopsgate, London, plus 41 games from other sections. This was the last British Championship to be held on an all-play-all basis. Latest: added all 11 games which Victor J A Russ played to win the Major Open B section. My thanks to Steve Russ for the loan of the scorebooks.
10/10/24 1957 British Championship Dr. Stefan Fazekas 65+3 games/part-games of a possible 176 Championship games, plus 14 from other sections. Latest: added 9 games played by Victor Russ in Major Open A. Many thanks to Steve Russ for loaning me Victor Russ's scorebooks.
09/10/24 1952 British Championship Bob Wade 62 of a possible 154 games, plus 8 part-games and 51 games from subsidiary sections. Latest: added all the outstanding Championship games played by Victor Russ. My thanks to Steve Russ for loaning his father's scorebooks. Running totals now 62 Championship games and 8 part-games, plus 51 games from other sections.
09/10/24 Leonard Barden's Games - A collection of Leonard Barden's games. My thanks to Andy Ansel, Ulrich Tamm, Brian Denman and Leonard Barden himself for their help with this. Latest: Added two county match games in which Leonard Barden (Oxfordshire) defeated Victor Russ (Leicestershire). One was on 3 March 1951 and the other on 7 March 1952. From Victor Russ's collection of scorebooks, kindly lent to me by Steve Russ, for which many thanks. Running total: 465 game entries of which 66 are stubs and 17 are part-games (two part-game entries are actually one game in two parts (O.Penrose ½-½ LWB, 1947 British U18 Ch). Hence 465 game entries in reality, with 382 complete games and 17 part-games.
09/10/24 1951 British Championship Ernst Klein 58 of a possible 165 games, plus 19 part-games and 9 games from other sections including the 1951 British Boys Championship played in Hastings at Easter. Crosstables and results. Latest: Added six games played by Victor Russ, from his scorebooks, lent by his son Steve Russ, for which many thanks. (Victor Russ's other five games were already included.) There are now 58 Championship games and 19 part-games, from a possible 165, plus 9 games from other sections.
09/10/24 1949 British Championship Harry Golombek 68 complete games of a possible 176, plus 43 part-games and 16 from other sections. This was the first British Championship to be held on a Swiss system basis, with 32 selected players. Latest: added all the missing scores bar one of Victor Russ's games (his rd 2 game vs Riley is still a part-game). I am in the process of digitising Victor Russ's games, having been lent his collection of scorebooks by his son Steve Russ, to whom many thanks. Running total now 68 games/43 part-games from a possible 176 Championship games, plus 14 games and 2 part-games from lower sections.
08/10/24 1966 British Championship Jonathan Penrose 165 games of the British Championship proper, plus 176 games from subsidiary events. Latest: added two games played by Gillian Moore from the Women's Championship: (1) G Moore ½-½ M E E Clarke (rd 10); (2) D Dobson [Norman] ½-½ G Moore (rd 11). Games from Roger Paige's book Hampshire Chess Games 1950-1970, sent by Graham Stuart. Many thanks to both Roger and Graham, also to Ken Norman for further information leading to a correction.
08/10/24 1965 British Championship Peter N Lee All 184 games from the Championship proper, plus results and crosstables and 23 games from other sections. Latest: Added nine games played by Gillian A Moore in the Women's Championship. Games from Roger Paige's book Hampshire Chess Games 1950-1970, sent by Graham Stuart. Many thanks to both Roger and Graham.
08/10/24 1964 British Championship Michael Haygarth 49 complete Championship games and 5 part-games, plus 44 games from subsidiary events. Crosstables and results from the BCF Congress, held that year in Whitby. Latest: Added four games, all played by Gillian A Moore in the Women's Championship: (1) GAM 0-1 E Tranmer (rd 1); (2) GAM 0-1 E Pritchard (rd 2); (3) GAM ½-½ M Lander (rd 3); (4) R Bruce ½-½ GAM (rd 5). Games from Roger Paige's book Hampshire Chess Games 1950-1970, sent by Graham Stuart. Many thanks to both Roger and Graham.
04/10/24 Games of David Mabbs - New item: 301 games (including 5 stubs) played by David Mabbs from 1958 until the present. Most of them have been input by me from David's post-1964 scorebooks. Note: it is far from complete. David tells me that, after his 1964 retirement from chess, he sent his scorebooks and scoresheets to BH Wood. It's not known what became of these scores subsequently. One has to suspect that they have long disappeared, but if anyone knows what happened to them please get in touch with me.
03/10/24 Games of Dr JM Aitken - A collection of games played by leading Scottish player Dr JM Aitken (1908-1983), with a vast number input by Geoff Chandler. 2,270 game entries in total including a few part-games and stubs. Latest: Added the game MD Bissell 0-1 JMA, Cheltenham Club Championship, probably played around January 1962 (it appeared in the Glasgow Herald, 30 March 1962). And probably to be found in one of the two missing Aitken scorebooks, should they ever reappear.
29/09/24 Ronnie Ives and the Yorkshire Evening Post chess column A collection of 80 games played by Yorkshire chess player Ronnie Ives plus scans of all his Yorkshire Evening Post columns from 1958 to 1964. This invaluable historical material has been scanned, dated and digitised by me from scrapbooks kindly loaned by the Ives family and material provided by Wakefield Library, via Steve Mann. Latest: the final four missing Yorkshire Evening Post columns written by Ronnie Ives, for 14 June 1962, 23 August 1962, 15 November 1962 and 3 October 1963, have now been found by Steve Mann at Wakefield Library and added to the collection. Many thanks to Steve for sending them and the staff of the Wakefeld Library. And, of course, thanks to Ingrid Ives and family for making this collection possible in the first place.
25/09/24 1954 Paignton B H Wood Two Premier games, plus one from the Rowena Bruce v Fenny Heemskerk match and two others from other sections. Crosstable, results and reports. Latest: added the game E.D.Fawcett 1-0 S.T.Thomas (Major A).
25/09/24 1954 Bognor, Stevenson Memorial Barden, O'Kelly 6 games plus 1 from a lower section, and a crosstable. Latest: added the game B.H.Wood 0-1 J.Penrose (rd 8).
25/09/24 1950 Southsea Bisguier, Tartakower The 2nd Stevenson Memorial doubled as the Southern Counties' Chess Union (SCCU) Championship, held in Southsea, 12-22 April 1950. Latest: now 61 (plus 2 part-games) of a possible 204 games. Added one part-game: A.H.Knight 0-1 A.H.Trott (rd 5).
20/09/24 Games of Michael Franklin - 727 games (including 35 stubs) played by Michael Franklin, who died in 2023, aged 92. He was a courteous, affable man and a very fine player over some six decades. Latest: now includes a large number of (mainly) correspondence games contributed by Tim Harding, for which many thanks. Various cosmetic changes applied, duplicates removed, etc. (Note: I have also applied minor cosmetic changes to other player game collections: (1) M Chandler; (2) P Littlewood; (3) B Cafferty.) EDIT: some memorabilia relating to Michael Franklin added.
19/09/24 4NCL, 1996/97 Midland Monarchs First uploaded here as a zipped PGN file in 1999, this file of games from the 4NCL's 4th season (the last in which it consisted of a single division) has been updated and standardised, with a number of corrections made. Contains 865 game entries including 3 stubs & 15 defaults. I've also included a crosstable of this 12-round 18-team event.
17/09/24 4NCL 1995/96 Slough 278 games and 2 part-games from the third season of the 4NCL (British Team League), plus stubs for all the remaining games. Latest: extra games added, from rd 1: C.Baker 1-0 R.Phillips, C.Cobb 1-0 J.Rudd, J.Howell 1-0 S.Knott, C.Storey 1-0 A.Summerscale and I think the game B.Cafferty 1-0 R.Haydon had also been missed off the last upload. Includes a few corrections and updates made to header info.
16/09/24 Bernard Cafferty Collection - 2,035 games by English FM Bernard Cafferty (born 1934), including 43 stubs, byes & default wins. Latest: two games added, both from the Mid-Sussex League: (1) M.Nicholas ½-½ B.Cafferty (1993); (2) B.Cafferty 1-0 M.Nicholas (1994). Many thanks to Brian Denman for submitting the additional games.
15/09/24 1958/59 Hastings Wolfgang Uhlmann 15 of the 45 Premier games (plus 6 part-games) are available from this curiously underreported Hastings Congress, plus 16 games from subsidiary events. Latest: One of the missing 1958/59 Hastings Premier games - L.Portisch 1-0 R.Wade (rd 8) - has been found by 'Tabanus' (, to whom many thanks.
14/09/24 1983 British Championship Jonathan Mestel All 319 games, plus 35 games from subsidiary sections. Latest: added the game H.Milligan 1-0 A.Condie (Women's Championship, rd 6).
13/09/24 1974 England v West Germany England Five games and one part-game from England's match victory over West Germany in March 1974 (despite being heavily outrated on every board). Latest: added the game A.Laakman 1-0 S.Jackson (rd 1.10). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm
11/09/24 1951 North of Thames vs South of Thames Match North of Thames Six games plus a link to a July 1951 CHESS magazine article (PDF) which has the results of all 500 boards of this match played on 16 June 1951 at Central Hall, Westminster.
10/09/24 1971 British Championship Raymond Keene All 198 games of the championship proper, plus 44 games from other sections, crosstables, full results of all sections, etc. Latest: added the game P.Habershon 0-1 D.M.Denison (Major Open, rd 4), contributed by Paul Habershon via the English Chess Forum, 9 September, where there is an obituary of his opponent Mike (Denis Michael) Denison who played in a number of British Championship congresses.
09/09/24 1961/62 Hastings Mikhail Botvinnik All 45 Premier, several with extensive annotations by Botvinnik, Flohr, Barden & Littlewood, plus 22 from other sections. Crosstables, results, photos, reports and news cuttings of the (in)famous Lisa Lane furore. Latest: what was a part-game from the Challengers, D.Velimirovic 1-0 H.Ek (rd 6) is now a complete score, thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
06/09/24 1941 Army v Navy & British Forces v Allied Forces Army; British Forces Five games from the Army v Navy match, October 1941, plus five from the British Forces v Allied Forces match, November 1941, including a Tartakower win vs Golombek. Latest: added three games from the British vs Allies match. Many thanks to Dominique Thimognier for help with this.
04/09/24 2024 Menchik Memorial, London Andreea Navrotescu All 45 games plus crosstable. Andreea Navrotescu (FRA) won with a 100% score - 9/9.
03/09/24 1977 British Championship George Botterill All 220 games plus 24 from other sections. Latest: Added the game V.Craven 0-1 J.Garwell/Richmond (Women's Ch, rd 7). Many thanks to Andy Ansel for sending the game.
02/09/24 Peter Griffiths File - Games of the well-known Midlands player Peter C Griffiths, with the majority input from Griffiths' own scorebooks by Matthew Tapper and originally posted here in 2009. Running total of game entries now 1,019. Latest: added the game K.Maeer 1-0 P.Griffiths, Forrest Cup, c. Jan 1968.
31/08/24 2024 Lancaster Open J Boswell, J Arnott 56 games from the August 2024 2nd Lancaster Open, plus 52 from the Major. Many thanks to Sean parker for sending the games.
31/08/24 1967 Bognor Regis International Kurajica, Drimer & Padevski 35 games and 5 part-games from the 15th Churchill Memorial, 10 games from subsidiary sections plus a complete crosstable of results. Latest: added two games won by Padevsky: (1) N.Padevsky 1-0 M.Mihaljcisin (rd 6); (2) O.Jakobsen 0-1 N.Padevsky (rd 8). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
31/08/24 1963 Northern Open, Whitby B H Wood New item (24 August) - 19 games from the Open, plus two from other sections. Full crosstable, report, other section results. Latest: added the game R.Cherubim ½-½ H.Golombek (rd 5). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
29/08/24 1990 British Championship Jim Plaskett 300 games of a possible 407, plus 11 from the Major Open. Latest: Added seven more games played by Steve Giddins, from rounds 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11. Move order adjustment made to S.Bibby 1-0 S.Giddins (rd 8). Many thanks to Steve Giddins.
29/08/24 1989 British Championship Michael Adams 315 games from a possible 429, of the 78-player British Championship held in Plymouth, plus crosstable. Latest: Added five games played by Steve Giddins, from rounds 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9. Also, a move order adjustment made to S.Giddins ½-½ N.McDonald (rd 1). Many thanks to Steve Giddins.
28/08/24 1951 Paignton Harry Golombek 21 games (of 28 played), from the eight-player all-play-all won by Harry Golombek ahead of Max Euwe. Latest: seven games added.
27/08/24 2024 Mindsports Open Four-way tie 250 games from Mindsports Open in July, plus 43 games from the Rapidplay and 133 games from the Blitz held alongside.
26/08/24 Games of IM Paul Littlewood 1,720 game entries for IM and 1981 British Champion Paul Littlewood, from his first competition games in the 1960s right through to 2024. Many thanks to Paul Littlewood, who input a huge number of games himself and kindly made the whole file available for publication on BritBase. I have also added a record of his tournament career, up to 1979. Latest: Paul has been right the way through the file again and found another 100+ games, mainly from the present but also some from the past.
26/08/24 1978 Lloyds Bank Masters P Littlewood, J Peters, Y Rantanen 233 games from the 2nd Lloyds Bank Masters. Also available is a PDF of the complete bulletin, with crosstables, results, norms and an article by Leonard Barden. Latest: added the game G.Flear 1-0 F.Borm (rd 6.11). Many thanks to Andy Ansel.
26/08/24 Ian Wells Collection - This collection of games played by Ian Duncan Wells (1964-82), originally started by Sean Parker, now numbers 315 entries. Latest: added the game N.Povah 1-0 I.Wells, Jersey Open, May 1977. Many thanks to Andy Ansel.
26/08/24 1978 British Championship Jonathan Speelman All 238 games, plus 12 from other sections, crosstable, results. Latest: added the game M.Sames 0-1 D.Edmonds (Under-14), contributed by Andy Ansel, for which many thanks.
26/08/24 1977 Lloyds Bank Masters Miguel Quinteros 193 games from the inaugural Lloyds Bank Masters and one from the subsidiary event. Latest: added the (substantially complete) game N.Povah ½-½ C.Baker (rd 4). Many thanks to Andy Ansel.
26/08/24 1977/78 Hastings R Dzindzhihasvili All 105 Premier games, plus 38 games from the Challengers, 17 from other sections, crosstables, full results of the general congress. Latest: Added the game A.Martin 1-0 F.Trois (Challengers, rd 6). Many thanks to Andy Ansel for sending the game. Whilst checking, I found there were more Challengers games to be input from the March 1978 issue of CHESS.
25/08/24 1972/73 Hastings Bent Larsen All 120 Premier games, plus 40 from lower sections, crosstables, results, etc. Latest: Added six games from lower sections: (1) B.Johnson 0-1 E.Kong (Main A); (2) R.Evans 0-1 W.Gergs (Main B); (3) W.Grube 0-1 D.Murphy (Main B); (4) W.Gergs 0-1 L.Trangmar (Main C); (5) H.Schaefer 1-0 D.Pardoe (Main C); (6) D.Fairbank 1-0 J.Wiseman (Main E). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for submitting the games.
25/08/24 1973/74 Hastings Congress Kuzmin, Szabo, Tal, Timman All 120 games of the Premier, now with dates, plus 54 from other sections; crosstables and results. Latest: Added two games: (1) A.Moghadam ½-½ A.Trangmar (Challengers); (2) G.Meinhardt 1-0 E Sutter (Main C). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for submitting the games.
25/08/24 1969 Northern Open, Whitby Max Fuller 14 games plus a complete crosstable of this 11-round, two-week event. Latest: Added one game - R.Kraayenbrink 0-1 H.Juehe (rd 6). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for submitting the game.
24/08/24 Games of John G Nicholson - 100 games played by FIDE Master John G Nicholson which he has personally selected and sent to me for publication on BritBase. Many thanks to John for sharing these games with us. Latest: John has sent me a further 13 games from the period 1970-1973, making a round 100. Many thanks to John.
18/08/24 2024 Kingston Invitational (four-way tie) 188 games from this nine-swiss event held in Kingston-upon-Thames. Games and results from chess-results dot com.
11/08/24 Murray Chandler's Games, 1972-2008 - 2,434 games played by Murray Chandler. First posted here in 2020 and later extended to include all the New Zealand GM's extant games. Latest: the game J.Nunn - M.Chandler (rd 4, ARC Young Masters 1983) now has some more moves and a different result - it was a draw, not a win for White. My thanks to John Nunn for supplying the correction.
11/08/24 1997 British Championship M Adams, M Sadler 247 games of the Championship, plus six play-off games, 171 from the Major Open/U18 Championship and 6 games from other sections. Latest: Added 150+ games from the Major Open/Under-18 Championship. Many thanks to Ian Thompson for supplying the scores, plus a complete crosstable for the section. EDIT: two of the Major Open games, Moskovic-Noyce (rd 10) & Brookes-Taylor (rd 11), have had score corrections applied. My thanks to Brian Denman.
11/08/24 1929 Scarborough Premier H Saunders, S Tartakower All 28 games from the May 1929 Scarborough Premier, plus 2 games from a lower section. Crosstables, round-by-round details and a photo. Latest: Score amendments applied to two games: (1) G.Thomas ½-½ H.Saunders (rd 1); (2) H.Saunders 1-0 J.Jackson (rd 2). My thanks to Andy Ansel for drawing my attention to these.
07/08/24 1958 Bognor Regis, Stevenson Memorial Ivkov, Karaklajic, Wade 20 games, 9 part-games, plus 9 games from subsidiary sections, crosstable (incomplete), results, photo. Latest: added the part-game A.Hall ½-½ G.F.Harris (rd 8), found in the book Play The Evans Gambit by Harding & Cafferty (Cadogan 1997), p38, though the book misidentified Black as R.A.Harris.
05/08/24 1969 Scottish Junior International R M McKay New item. All 45 games from this ten-player all-play-all held in Glasgow in June 1969. Games input by Alan McGowan and Alistair Maxwell and posted at the Chess Scotland games archive page. Many thanks to Alan and Alistair.
05/08/24 1969 Glorney Cup England Six games from this junior team event are downloadable from here. I will put up a page of results at some point.
04/08/24 1974/75 Hastings Vlastimil Hort 120 games from the 1974/75 Hastings. Also 33 games from the Challengers and 10 from lower sections, crosstables, etc. Latest: Added another 12 games from the Brian Denman collection, including 7 more of Geoff James's Challengers. Running totals now 120 Premier, 33 Challengers, 10 from other sections. Many thanks to Brian Denman. Note that I have also adjusted the dates of Challengers games to reflect the fact that there was a rest day on 1 January 1975 (between the 4th and 5th rounds).
03/08/24 1978 Aaronson Masters Aldo Haik, Michael Franklin 155 games from this very strong international, with complete crosstable and report. Latest: Added the game B.Cafferty ½-½ N.Povah, Aaronson Masters (rd 3, 24.03.1978), kindly forwarded by Andy Ansel, for which many thanks.
03/08/24 1968 Bognor Regis International Z Doda 38 games plus 3 part-games, crosstable and reports. Latest: The complete score of the game N.Littlewood 0-1 P.Griffiths (rd 7) is now available (previously 30 moves, now all 42 moves). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran for submitting the score via the English Chess Forum. Also, there is a thread about this event on the English Chess Forum which readers might find of interest.
24/07/24 Gibraltar page - Index to PGNs, results and crosstables of the Gibraltar International Chess Festival from 2003 to 2020, plus the 2021 FIDE Grand Prix and 2022 Battle of the Sexes events. Latest: the 2003 Gibraltar Amateurs tournament download now has all 65 games. Many thanks to Ian Thompson for supplying the missing games.
24/07/24 1993 Lloyds Bank Masters Jon Speelman 530 games, with dates, plus a complete crosstable and details from the bulletin. Latest: the game score of Van der Sterren 0-1 Tkachiev, rd 8, has been replaced with a better attested version found in CHESS Magazine.
22/07/24 1990/91 Hastings Congress Evgeny Bareev All 56 games of the premier, now with 102+2 games/part-games from the Challengers and 24 games from other sections. My thanks to Ian Thompson for sending me the tournament bulletin and his own games, as a result of which I have been able to determine round numbers and dates for the Challengers and also make various amendments to the games compared to their appearance on Mega Database 2020.
20/07/24 1985 West of England Ch'ship Gary W Lane 40 games, 1 part-game, plus 8 games other sections, plus a partial crosstable. Many thanks to David LeMoir and Ian Thompson for supplying games and information.
19/07/24 1984 West of England Ch'ship Gary W Lane 37 games and two part-games, and a crosstable. Many thanks to David LeMoir and Ian Thompson for supplying games and information.
19/07/24 1981 West of England Ch'ship Peter H Clarke 34 games plus six from lower sections, and a complete crosstable. Many thanks to David LeMoir, Ian Thompson and Graham Stuart for supplying me with games and relevant information.
17/07/24 2024 Wood Green Invitational M Wadsworth, S Ernst All 45 games from this GM/IM norm event held in Stafford.
15/07/24 1970 British Championship Bob Wade All 179 games, plus 41 from subsidiary events. Latest: added the game J.Nicholson 1-0 J.Nunn (Under-18 Ch'ship).
14/07/24 1966/67 Hastings Mikhail Botvinnik All 45 games from the Premier, some with minor move order amendments and changed dates from what appears elsewhere on the web. Plus 35 games from the Challengers, 8 from other sections, crosstables, results. Latest: two further games from the Challengers: (1) P.Gibbs 1-0 L.Gusel (rd 6); (2) R.Paige 1-0 L.Gusel (rd 9). Many thanks to Andy Ansel for supplying these games. And later still: Three more games received, from Ulrich Tamm, for which many thanks: (1) W.Nicolai 1-0 P.S.Milner-Barry (Challengers, rd 2); (2) P.Hoogendoorn 0-1 W.Nicolai (Challengers, rd 5); (3) R.Wittmann 1-0 D.Adams (Main PM A, rd 8).
14/07/24 1964/65 Hastings Paul Keres New item: 45 Premier games plus 35 from lower sections, crosstables, results, photos and cartoons. Latest: Added two games: (1) M.Christoph 1-0 B.H.Wood (Challengers, rd 8); (2) R.Wittmann 1-0 B.Piggott (Main D, rd 2). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for sending the scores.
12/07/24 1984 British Championship Nigel Short All 347 games, plus 33 from other sections. Latest: Added the game A.Talbot 1-0 M.Hepworth (Under 16). Many thanks to Brian Denman for supplying the score.
12/07/24 1953 British Championship D A Yanofsky All 176 games of the Championship, plus 23 from subsidiary events (junior events were played some months previous). Latest: added the game J.Walsh 1-0 Rev. H.Blackett, Second Class A. Many thanks to Brian Denman for supplying the score.
10/07/24 1970 Northern Open, Whitby Max Fuller 17 games and a complete crosstable from this 71-player event, played in July/August over 11 rounds.
09/07/24 1955 Birmingham Training Tournament Geoffrey F Harris 15 games + 1 part-game from a ten-player a.p.a. held in Birmingham, June/July 1955. Crosstable and report.
06/07/24 1997 Hodgson-Rowson match & Carlton Park Masters Hodgson 3½-2½ Rowson; J Aagaard & J Shaw All six games from the Hodgson-Rowson match and all 45 from the ten-player-all which ran alongside it in Rotherham. Complete with dates, crosstables.
05/07/24 1996 Arkell-Rowson match & Caledonian Masters Rowson 4-2 Arkell; Mark Ferguson All six games of the December 1996 Rowson-Arkell match and the 1st Caledonian Masters. Games now supplied with dates, plus crosstables.
04/07/24 1996 British Championship C Ward 213 games (from a possible 341) plus 44 games from subsidiary events. Latest: Added 11 games played by Norman Stephenson in the Major Open. Many thanks to Norman for suppyling the scores.
04/07/24 1995 British Championship Matthew Sadler 227 games from the 1995 British Championship played in Swansea, plus 21 games from subsidiary sections. Latest: added the 11 games that Norman Stephenson played in the Major Open. My thanks to Norman for supplying the scores.
30/06/24 2024 County Championship Final Surrey All 16 games from the ECF County Championship Final played yesterday (29 June) in Newark. Surrey beat Northumberland by 10-6.
24/06/24 1981 Botvinnik Simul Botvinnik 4½-3½ First upload (24 June) of four games and one part-game of an eight-board clock simul given by Mikhail Botvinnik against the cream of England's under-18 players. Colourised photo of the participants, annotations, magazine reports.
19/06/24 1922 London Tournament Capablanca All 120 games from the celebrated international tournament played in London 100 years ago, plus 39 games from subsidiary events. This was the official BCF Congress for 1922. Latest: added the game R.T.R.Serjeant-A.Muffang (First Class A). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran for submitting the game via the English Chess Forum.
16/06/24 Various (1940s and 1950s) - I'm currently on holiday but I've been making a few minor additions to collections of games from the 1940s and 1950s. If you click on the above links and look at the 'date posted' field, you'll see where I have added PGN files for some events over the past month. I'll add some text (results, crosstables, etc) to go with them in due course.
03/06/24 1897 Craigside Hydro George E H Bellingham 20 games and 2 part-games, crosstables, report from BCM, plus a photo of Bellingham colourised by me. Latest: the game E.O.Jones 0-1 E.Macdonald now has all the moves, while the game W.Supple 0-1 E.Macdonald (Handicap event) now has further source material and should now work properly in the viewer window. Many thanks to Brian Denman for his input.
28/05/24 2024 English Senior Championships Peter Wells (Over 50); Paul Littlewood (Over 65) All 229 games from the English Senior Championships, Over 50 and Over 65 categories, held in Kenilworth from 24-28 May.
21/05/24 Games of Comins Mansfield - 44 games played by Comins Mansfield (1896-1984). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran for originating this set of games by the famous problemist in 2016. Latest: added three more games, from a match played against W.Fairhurst between 22 April and 13 May 1947, presumably in Glasgow. From the Fairhurst games collection assembled and curated by the Chess Scotland archivist Alan McGowan, for which many thanks.
20/05/24 1932 British Championship Mir Sultan Khan 48 of the 66 games, plus 5 part-games. 25 games and part-games from subsidiary sections. Latest: added the game Cross-Stronach (Major Open, rd 4), submitted by Ulrich Tamm, for which many thanks.
18/05/24 1992 Welsh Championship John G Cooper First posted here, with 144 games, in 2000, now with dates, crosstable and viewer and some amendments.
09/05/24 2024 Southend Masters Szymon Gumularz All 121 games of this nine-round swiss. Many thanks to IA Lance Leslie-Smith for sending the games and a report.
09/05/24 2024 UK Armed Forces Ch'ship William Bradley 337 game entries from the recent UK Armed Forces Championship, held at RAF Wittering. My thanks to Kevin Thurlow for the games.
07/05/24 1935 Margate Samuel Reshevsky All 45 games from the Premier plus 24 games from other events. Latest: added the game Arthur Eva 1-0 I.Vesselo, Premier Reserves Preliminary C, Rd 2. Many thanks to Alan Smith for submitting the game.
07/05/24 Games of H E Atkins - Running total of Atkins' games now 387 (including 6 part-games and 33 stubs). Latest: added the game Rev. A.B.Skipworth 1-0 H.E.Atkins, Horncastle 1898 (I am assuming it was played on 19.01.1898 as the second of two match games played at the Rev. Skipworth's residence at Holbeck Hall. The first match game, played the previous day, was drawn. Its score is unavailable.) I am grateful to Alan Smith for submitting the score.
03/05/24 2024 Alexander Cup: Kingston v Wimbledon Kingston All ten games from the final of the Surrey County Chess Association team knock-out competition, played 2 May 2024.
20/04/24 1989 Barnsdale Young Masters Mihai Suba 41 of a possible 230 games, from this very strong weekender played 24-26 February 1989. Some of the games appeared on Big/Mega Databases but without dates or round numbers plus identification errors. It has been possible to work out most of these from the results given in the 1989/90 BCF Yearbook. Latest: Added the game J.Nicholson 1-0 Duncan R Woods (rd 3), contributed by John Nicholson, for which many thanks.
20/04/24 1979 Lloyds Bank Masters Murray Chandler 191 games, with dates and ratings, and with various corrections applied. Also a complete crosstable, three photos of the last round and prizegiving and contemporary reports of the tournament. Latest: Added the games J.Nicholson 1-0 A.Stebbings (rd 3) and G.Clark 0-1 J.Nicholson (rd 8), submitted by John Nicholson, for which many thanks.
20/04/24 Nigel Short's Games - The initial file was of 269 Nigel Short games from 1974 to 1981, which was 70+ more than have previously appeared online for the given period. BritBase contributors and readers are now helping to expand this collection from their own files. Please read these notes for further details of what's on the file and how you can help. Latest: the running total of game entries now totals 292 (including 17 stubs). Added the game J.Nicholson 1-0 N.Short (rd 4, bd 10), submitted by John Nicholson, for which many thanks.
20/04/24 1932/33 Hastings Flohr All 45 games of the Premier, 43 from lower sections, plus crosstables, results and reports. Latest: Added the game J.Wolthuis 1-0 I.Shernetsky from Major A. Contributed by Nikolaas Verhulst, for which many thanks.
12/04/24 Holiday! - BritBase is currently on holiday for a couple of weeks. Back soon! (n.b. I can make minor edits during this time but am unlikely to do so)
06/04/24 1965/66 Hastings Spassky, Uhlmann The same 45 Premier games as previously, but they have now been examined carefully to weed out score errors, of which there were rather a lot. The state of the scores for this tournament on ChessBase's Mega/Big Database is sketchy and I would recommend anyone who cares about the quality of their database to replace them with what they find here. Also appended are 43 complete scores and 23 part-games from the Challengers, plus some stubs, which I utilised to compile a partial crosstable (complete for those with higher scores). Finally there is one game from one of the lower sections, culled from a regional newspaper. EDIT: Roger Paige has sent me all his games from the Challengers which have been added to the collection.
05/04/24 2024 Shropshire Open A Vaidyanathan 74 games from the January 2024 Shropshire Open, plus 30 games from other sections. Many thanks to Rudy Van Kemenade for sending the games (which include his annotations).
05/04/24 1991 Greater Manchester Autumn Open five-way tie New item: 39 games from the bulletin of the September 1991 Greater Manchester Autumn Open, input and submitted by Andy Ansel, for which many thanks. Ian Dutton, James Howell, David Knox, Vic Knox and Brett Lund tied for 1st. The bulletin has minimal info besides the game scores (e.g. no round numbers). Can anyone contribute info so that a crosstable can be assembled? Latest: added three more games sent in by Rudy Van Kemenade. Many thanks, Rudy. Running total now 42 games (one duplicate removed).
29/03/24 1905 British Championship H E Atkins 44 games from the 1905 British Championship held in Southport, 22 stubs, plus 47+2 games/part-games from subsidiary events. Latest: after a further long trawl through newspapers and magazines, I've overhauled the file, adding six games, etc. Click on the above link for further details of all the changes made.
27/03/24 1922 West of England Ch'ship J H Blake New item. 29 games, 1 part-game and 15 stubs from the 1st West of England Championship held in Weston-super-Mare in 1922, plus 8 games from other sections, crosstables, report and results.
26/03/24 1921/22 Hastings Boris Kostic All 45 games have been available for some time; now added 4 from the Masters, plus crosstables, report and results. Latest: added the game E.M.Beddall 1-0 NN from the Third Class B section. Many thanks to Brian Denman. Various other cosmetic amendments applied.
25/03/24 1945 Blackpool Gerald Abrahams New item. (I don't think these game have been digitised previously.) 11 of 15 Premier games, 2 part-games, 2 stubs + 2 games from other sections. The Morry-Wood game is given in two parts (opening moves & endgame). Plus magazine reports and two photos. Latest: added the game W.A.Winser 1-0 K.A.Hirsch from the Major A section. Many thanks to Brian Denman for the game score.
20/03/24 1904 British Championship W E Napier

57 of the 66 games, with 9 stubs, plus 29 games from subsidiary events, and the play-off games between Napier and Atkins played in early 1905. Latest: Added the game E.Michell/Tapsell 0-1 K.Finn (Women's Ch'ship, rd 4), contributed by Richard James via the English Chess Forum. Many thanks, Richard.

14/03/24 1923 NCCU Premier, Liverpool Jacques Mieses 27 games, 3 part-games, 15 stubs plus 6 games from lower sections. Latest: added the game Dawbarn 0-1 Mieses (rd 7) contributed by Michael Kühl, for which many thanks. Michael has also researched and contributed a number of primary sources which I have appended to the scores. Many thanks to Michael. I have added some comments about Gerald Abrahams to the score of the game T.Gerrard-G.Abrahams (and to the text above) which may be of interest. EDIT: I've added another game from Minor tournament, J.Whitworth 1-0 H.A.Cadman/C.A.Mann.
13/03/24 1936/37 Hastings Alexander Alekhine All 45 games from the Premier, plus 35 games (and 10 part-games) from lower sections, crosstables, report and full results. Latest: added the game Grace Alekhine 1-0 A Ireland (Third Class Morning A section). Many thanks to Michael Kühl for submitting the game.
13/03/24 1935/36 Hastings Reuben Fine All 45 Premier games, 42/16 games/part-games from lower sections, crosstables, results, report, etc. Latest: one part-game is now a complete score: J.Mieses 1-0 R.Cross (Premier Reserves B) and another part-game has 12 more half-moves added at the end (though still probably incomplete): E.Klein 0-1 J.Enevoldsen (Premier Reserves A). My thanks to Michael Kühl for sending these games and also contributing other source references.
12/03/24 1934/35 Hastings Thomas, Euwe, Flohr All 45 Premier games have been available here for some time, but there are now many games from subsidiary sections plus crosstables of all sections and some photos. Latest: part-score of Cross-Tylor (Premier Reserves) upgraded to the complete score, submitted by Michael Kühl. Many thanks, Michael.
11/03/24 1933/34 Hastings Salo Flohr All 45 Premier games (one is a part-game) plus 22 from other sections. Latest: added the game G.Wheatcroft 1-0 B.Dyner (Premier Reserves, rd 5). Thanks to Michael Kühl for contributing.
11/03/24 1912 British Championship R C Griffith 39 of the 66 games from the 1912 British Championship held in the Castle Assembly Rooms, Richmond, Surrey, plus 37+1 from other sections. Latest: added the game A.C.Ellis 1-0 E.A.Beamish (First Class A, rd 8), contributed by Michael Kühl. Many thanks to Michael.
10/03/24 1910/11 City of London CC Championship William Ward New item. 37 of 136 games in the 1910/11 City of London Chess Club Championship. Latest: added the game G.Wainwright 0-1 R.Loman. Many thanks to Gerard Killoran who contributed it via the English Chess Forum.
04/03/04 2024 Varsity Oxford-Cambridge Oxford University All eight games, scores, photos.
01/03/24 1926 Birmingham A Alekhine New item as of 1 March 2024: all 15 games from the six-player tournament played in Birmingham in June 1926. According to one report it was organised at 24 hours' notice!
01/03/24 1926 Scarborough A Alekhine New item as of 1 March 2024: all 46 games from the Scarborough A & B groups plus 4 from other sections, plus crosstables, colourised photo and results of other section.
28/02/24 1913 British Championship Fred D Yates 34 of the 66 games from the Championship, plus 32 from other sections. Latest: added two games from the Major Open: (1) W.Schelfhout ½-½ E.Middleton (rd 2); (2) W.Schelfhout 1-0 C.Wardhaugh (rd 4). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for supplying the scores, plus details of a primary source for W.Schelfhout 1-0 T.Taylor.
28/02/24 1924 British Championship Henry E Atkins All 66 of the 66 games from the 1924 British Championship held in Southport (same venue as the 1905 championships), plus 64 games from subsidiary events. Latest: added the game P.Sergeant 0-1 H.Rhodes (Major Open, rd 4). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran for submitting the game via the English Chess Forum.
24/02/24 2024 Cambridge International M Adams (on tie-break) All 483 games from the Cambridge International Open which ended today.
21/02/24 1911 E Colman v FJ Marshall Match FJ Marshall New item. All three games of this short match played in London in April 1911.
21/02/24 1910 British Championship H E Atkins 36+2 of the 66 games/part-games, 34 games from other sections. Latest: added one game: E.Palmer 1-0 R.Addey (First Class). Many thanks to Michael Kühl for contributing.
20/02/24 2024 Hastings Weekend Open Keith Arkell, Marta Garcia Martin 105 games and crosstable.
15/02/24 1970 Glorney Cup England All 90 games. First published here in 1998 but now with updated games showing team affiliations plus quite a number of corrections.
15/02/24 1923 Margate Ernst Grünfeld Grünfeld won ahead of Alekhine, Réti and others. 20 games, 2 part-games, 6 stubs plus 5+1 games from lower section. Group photo (with identifications) and reports. Latest: added the full score of Colman 0-1 Réti, round 3, contributed by Tabanus, for which many thanks.
08/02/24 1911 British Championship HE Atkins (after play-off) 30 of the 66 games, plus 17 games from subsidiary events. Latest: added the game H.Pinkerton 1-0 F.P.Wenman (Major Open, rd 3). Thanks to Gerard Killoran who contributed it via the English Chess Forum.
06/02/24 1961 British Championship Jonathan Penrose 184 of the 187 games in the championship, plus 1 part-game, 2 stubs, plus 25 games (and 2 part-games) from subsidiary events. Latest: added the game R.Beach 1-0 J.Scholes (Under 18, rd 13), from Ronnie Ives' column in the Yorkshire Evening Post, 2 August 1962.
04/02/24 1960 British Championship Jonathan Penrose A major update: after previously having just 45 games plus 8 part-games from the Championship, we now have the scores of all 198 Championship games, thanks to Eric Fisher's booklet and Andy Ansel kindly entering the scores. There are now 17 games and 2 part-games from other sections with the addition of Ian Reynolds's 12 games from Under 18 Championship and some other scores.
02/02/24 1979 British Championship Robert Bellin All 264 games plus 1 game from another section. Latest: added the game S.Shutler 0-1 S.Finlayson (Under 21), contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum.
29/01/24 1959 British Championship Jonathan Penrose (after a play-off with Haygarth & Golombek) All 187 games of the 1959 British Championship, plus 42 from subsidiary events, and all four from the play-off tournament played in November 1959 between Penrose, Haygarth and Golombek. Latest: added the game G.Sandiford 1-0 D.G.Smith (Under-15), which was awarded the best game prize for the Under 15 Championship. Many thanks to Gerard Killoran for contributing it via the English Chess Forum.
20/01/24 1938 Margate A Alekhine All 45 games of the Premier have been available here for some time; now with full crosstables and results, source references, etc, plus 23+7 games/part-games from other sections. Latest: added the game M.Najdorf 1-0 H.Cole, Premier Reserves A, rd 9. Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
17/01/24 1950 West of England Ch'ship H V W Trevenen Just two games from the 1950 WECU Championship, plus 1 from a lower section. Crosstable of the Championship.
15/01/24 1920 British Championship Roland Henry Vaughan Scott 35 of the 66 games of the 1920 British Championship, held in Edinburgh, plus 31 games from subsidiary sections. Latest: J.O'Hanlon 0-1 A.Speijer (Major Open, rd 3), which was previously a part-game, is now a complete score, thanks to Eduardo Bauza.
15/01/24 1949/50 Hastings Premier Szabo All 45 games of the Premier and 13 games from other sections. Latest: Added the game A.Holliday ½-½ E.Leyns (Major D, rd 1). Some other cosmetic changes.
15/01/24 1931 British Championship Fred Yates 30 complete championship games, plus 3 part-games, plus 27 games from other sections. Latest: One additional game: G.Peck 1-0 W.Hurley (Third Class B, rd 1). I have now removed the stub games from the Championship.
12/01/24 1929 London Quadrangular F Yates, W Winter A four-player tournament (the other players were Mir Sultan Khan and Adrián García Conde) hosted by Edith Price at the Gambit Chess Rooms in London. Nine of the twelve game scores are available.
12/01/24 1937 Margate R Fine, P Keres All 45 games of the Premier plus 16 from other sections, crosstables. Latest: Added another 12 games from lower sections, with ten contributed by Ulrich Tamm, for which many thanks. I have also added some more results and contemporary reports. EDIT: added another game (A.Sacconi 1-0 P.Ursell).
10/01/24 1962/63 Hastings Gligoric, Kotov All 45 Premier & 45 Challengers games, plus 6 from lower sections. Also, crosstables, photos and results. Latest: added the game A.Whiteley 0-1 V.Knox (Main B).
08/01/24 2023/24 Hastings Abhijeet Gupta All 424 games from the Hastings Masters, from, crtosstable from
08/01/24 1963/64 Hastings Mikhail Tal Complete games of the Premier and Challengers (jointly won by Nona Gaprindashvili), plus 10 games from other sections. Latest: added another game from Main B: R.Paige 1-0 R.Pinner.
05/01/24 1973 Evening Standard Islington Open Borivoje Vujacic 100+1 games+part/games of this weekender, plus six games from subsidiary events and the London U21 Ch'p. More than 2,000 players took part in this record-breaking congress, played 7-9 December. Latest: now added games played by Paul Littlewood and James Aitken, from their individual game collections, and the report by Stewart Reuben.
01/01/24 1929/30 Hastings Capablanca 25 of the 45 Premier games, now with 24 games from subsidiary sections, 3 part-games, crosstables, report and photos. Latest: added one game: G.Koltanowski ½-½ J.Rejfir, Premier Reserves, rd 6. Many thanks to Andy Ansel.
01/01/24 1924 West of England Major Open Max Euwe All 45 games plus 11 from other sections. Now with four extra games from lower sections, crosstables, results, plus a fuzzy photo from a newspaper. One hundred years ago...
28/12/23 1981 Lloyds Bank Masters Ray Keene 127 games from the 1981 Lloyds Bank Masters, won on tie-break by Ray Keene. Also 7 games from associated events (simuls and junior competition), plus a full crosstable. Latest: amendments applied following comparison checks with Mega Database 2022 and Stub games removed: the running total is now 128 games plus 7 from related events.
27/12/23 1972 Evening Standard Islington Open Robert Bellin 163 games from the December 1972 weekender. Latest: Added five more games: (1) A.P.Ashby 1-0 N.Argyris (rd 1); (2) A.P.Ashby 1-0 D.Pritchard (rd 6); (3) G.H.James 1-0 H.Ozbilen (rd 3); (4) G.J.Nicholas ½-½ G.H.James (rd 4); (5) G.H.James 1-0 S.Ridout (rd 5). The first two are from the collection of Alan Ashby's games at the Bristol & District Chess League's website, while the remaining three are from Brian Denman's collection, for which many thanks.
27/12/23 1972 British Championship Brian Eley 180 Championship games, plus 29 from the Major Open, crosstables and results. Latest: added two game, M.Staples ½-½ I.Watson (Under 21), contributed by Brian Denman, for which many thanks; and Sheila Jordan 1-0 Julia Park (Girls Under-14 Championship), found in an old issue of CHESS Magazine. Some cosmetic changes - removed stub games (byes and the last-round pairing R.Lemon 1-0 R.Edwards which was a default win for Lemon); added the Paul Littlewood Major Open games which were already in the file of games played by him.
23/12/23 1914 GB v Netherlands Great Britain All 16 games of the 1914 GB v Netherlands match held in The Hague. I've also put up a PGN file of the six games from the April 1899 University Cable Match between GB and the USA.
23/12/23 Frank Parr collection 348 games played by Frank Parr (1918-2003). I have also posted the obituary I wrote in 2003. Latest: added three games sent by Roger de Coverly, for which many thanks.
21/12/23 1927 St Brides Tournament M Goldstein, M Romi(h) Eight games of a maximum 45 from this obscure tournament held at the St Bride's Institute, London, in August/September 1927. BCM provided a crosstable and report but no games. My thanks to Francisco Antonio Castelló Eduardo and Ulrich Tamm for forwarding some games. Latest: the game deleted last month (Romi-Jackson) has been restored following the discovery by Ulrich Tamm of a primary source indicating that it had indeed been played as part of this tournament. The score had also been ascribed to Havasi-Romi, 1927 London Olympiad, but I've now removed it from that file. Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for researching this game.
18/12/23 1981 Staffordshire Open John Carleton 87 games from this six-round event played in Bushbury, Wolverhamption. Games input and supplied by Andy Ansel, for which many thanks.
15/12/23 1948/49 Hastings Rossolimo All 45 games from the Premier, plus 26 games & part-games from lower sections. Latest: Added a a game, a part-game and a stub, all from the Premier Reserves Major section: (1) D.Horne 0-1 H.Schenk (rd 6); (2) E.Sergeant ½-½ H.Schenk (rd 1, part-game); (3) D.Horne 1-0 L.Barden, Premier Reserves Major (rd 4, stub 1st ten moves).
11/12/23 2023 London Chess Classic Michael Adams All 45 games and crosstable.
10/12/23 1973 Hexagon Woolacombe Masters Ray Keene 21 of a possible 45 games from this ten-player all-play-all. I'm surprised that more games have not been published from this event. Was there a bulletin?
05/12/23 Now for something completely different: a technophobe's guide to sending game scores by email, with illustrations to take you through the process one step at a time.
29/11/23 1925 Scarborough M Romi 35 games from the Scarborough Congress (first upload 27/11/23). Latest: added two games from Minor A - A.Mackereth 0-1 W.Wakefield, W.Wakefield 1-0 1-0 A.Schofield. Many thanks to Brian Denman.
28/11/23 1927 Women's World Championship & BCF Congress Vera Menchik 21½ games from the July 1927 Women's World Championship and the BCF General Congress which ran alongside the inaugural Olympiad. Latest: added the game N.Schwartz 1-0 J.Goodman, First Class A.
27/11/23 1923/24 Hastings Max Euwe All 45 Premier games, plus 10 games from subsidiary events, plus crosstables, reports and results. Latest: added the game G.Wright 1-0 E.Price, First Class A.
27/11/23 1925 Kent CCA Bromley H Matisons 45 games, PGN only. Game viewer, crosstables, results to follow.
23/11/23 1968/69 Hastings Vassily Smyslov All 66 games from the Premier plus (new as of November 2023) 34 games and 2 part-games from the Challengers, 1 from a lower section, crosstables and results. Latest: added a game from the Challengers Reserves: R.Harman 1-0 A.Hall, rd 5, 04.01.1969. Many thanks to Brian Denman for contributing the game.
21/11/23 Wilfred Henry Pratten - 556 games (including 5 stubs and 3 part-games) played by strong Hampshire amateur player Wilfred Henry Pratten (1908-1985). This file was kindly made available to me by Arthur Brameld who collaborated with Roger Paige in collecting them. I am grateful to both Roger and Arthur. Latest: I have revamped this file, making corrections and additions. One notable correction was to the game W.Pratten 1-0 N.Hutchinson, Portsmouth Invitation 26.05.1971 (which had previously been given as N.Hutchinson 1-0 W.Pratten, Stevenson Bognor Regis for the same date).
18/11/23 2023 Guernsey Open H Grieve, K Arkell, D Gormally All 120 games, plus 1 with no moves (default?). Games sent by Arthur Brameld, for which many thanks, also to Mark Crowther for help with the games. Latest: in addition to the games from the Open, there are now 87 games from the Challengers. Many thanks to Arthur Brameld and Mark Crowther.
17/11/23 Acceptable formats for file submission A note on acceptable file formats for BritBase submission: the best format is PGN (*.pgn). Also acceptable are Hiarcs Chess Explorer (*.hce) databases or ChessBase 16 or earlier formats (*.cbh or *.cbf formats) where the file has been archived into a CBV file (*.cbv). However, unacceptable is a new-format database created by ChessBase 17 (*.2cbh) or an archive file (*.cbv) created from it, as they are incompatible with my software and I won't be upgrading to CB17 any time soon (if ever). See here for further details.
14/11/23 2023 Scarborough Open D Gormally, M S Raju All 133 games plus crosstable. The games were sourced from TWIC 1513 and the results from
14/11/23 2023 Nottinghamshire Centenary Eldar Gasanov All 45 games & crosstable. From TWIC 1513.
13/11/23 2023 FIDE Grand Swiss Vidit Gujrathi All 625 games plus crosstable.
13/11/23 2023 FIDE Women's Grand Swiss R Vaishali All 273 games plus crosstable.
13/11/23 2023 Isle of Man Major/Minor Koichi Nicholas, Triin Narva All 129 games plus crosstable, links. Games input by David Clayton for which many thanks.
14/10/23 1970 Islington Congress Jan Timman 240 games from the Open, Major & Minor events, plus the strong junior round-robins played afterwards. Crosstables and reports from the tournament bulletin.
12/10/23 1993 Dublin Zonal Michael Adams All 308 games, plus crosstable. New item as of 20 September 2023. Latest: A correction: Paul Roberts (SCO) did not play in this event - it was the Irish player Danny Roberts (national rating 2070). Also, note that I have discovered a forename for AF Wright - he is Andrew F Wright. I have added some national ratings for Irish players, found in the first round bulletin.
10/10/23 1890 County CA Ch'p, Cambridge William H Gunston First upload 10 October 2023: 13 games from the main tournament, plus 5 from subsidiary sections.
07/10/23 1890 Manchester International Siegbert Tarrasch 112 games, 3 part-games, 75 stubs, plus 14 games from the lower section and crosstables.
02/10/23 1993 Rolls Royce Crewe Open Matthew Sadler All 43 games. Matthew Sadler won with 4½/5 ahead of 2-3 Mickey Adams & Philip Rossiter 3½. Games input and sent by Andy Ansel for which many thanks.
30/09/23 1956 British Championship C H O'D Alexander 171 of the 176 Championship games played, plus 2 part-games, 3 stubs and 16 games from lower sections, results from all the events. Latest: A major upgrade: more than 100 of the Championship games have now been added, from the booklet published by Eric Fisher. Many thanks to Andy Ansel for sending the file of games. In all there are now 171 scores of the 176 Championship games played, plus 2 part-games and 3 stubs. There are 16 games from other sections.
21/09/23 BCF Victory Congress, Hastings 1919 Capablanca 58/66 games from the Chief Tournament, 26/66 from the Minor, 5+2 games/part-games from the British Ladies Championship and 33 games from other sections and side events. Latest: Added the game M.Euwe 0-1 S.Meymott, though there is some doubt as to whether it was a formal game or not. (Though Euwe took part in the congress, Meymott seemingly did not. But it may have been played in one of the lightning tournaments.) My thanks to Alan Smith for supplying the score and information.
19/09/23 1945/46 Hastings Saviely Tartakower All 66 of the 1945/46 Hastings Premier games, plus 18 games from subsidiary tournaments. The Premier games have been been available for some time here but now have dates and sources, with some move order adjustments. Also crosstables and results of minor events. Latest: Added three games played by Catharina Roodzant in Major C: (1) C.Roodzant 1-0 E.Herringshaw (rd 4); (2) G.Rutland 0-1 C.Roodzant; (3) E.Saunders ½-½ C.Roodzant. Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for submitting the games.
18/09/23 1971 Islington Congress Seven-way tie Now has 185 games, with one extra game from the Open and several from the U190 section. Also now features much of the text from the bulletin, with results tables, a photo, etc.
13/09/23 Tal UK Simul Games 1964 - 37 simultaneous and exhibition games played by Mikhail Tal in England, 9-11 January 1964, after the 1963/64 Hastings tournament. Includes 23 of the games played in the London (John Lewis) simul of 9 January (mainly taken from Edward Winter's Chess Notes), 10 games played in the Westminster simul of 10 January, a radio consultation game (played 11 January) and 3 games from the Birmingham simul of 11 January. Latest: five more games from the Westminster simul added. Many thanks to Gerald Hartmann for supplying.
13/09/23 1956/57 Hastings Gligoric, Larsen 45 Premier games, 27+6 games/part-games from lower sections, crosstables and results. Latest: Added one game from the Premier Reserves Major – Z.Nilsson 1-0 J.Durao (rd 6). My thanks to Ulrich Tamm for contributing the game – plus all nine games played by John Littlewood in the Premier Reserves A section. EDIT: the games from the Premier Reserves Major section now all have round numbers and dates, thanks to Gerald Hartmann who worked out the draw numbers for this section.
13/09/23 1967 British Championship Jonathan Penrose All 198 games of the 1967 Championship, plus 166 from the subsidiary events, from the bulletin and elsewhere. Latest: added a further seven games played by Peter C Griffiths in the Major Open (which were already in the Peter Griffiths file).
10/09/23 Mir Sultan Khan - 210 games plus 30 stubs/part-games. Latest: Added a game won in a simul: M.Sultan Khan 1-0 R T Bruce, Imperial CC simul, 28.09.1929. Many thanks to Gerard Killoran (EC Forum, 9 September).
10/09/23 1923 British Championship Sir George Thomas 51+2 of the 66 games played in the British Championship, plus 49 from subsidiary groups. Latest: Added two Championship games: (1) J.Blake 1-0 H.Jacobs (rd 2); (2) H.Price 1-0 W.Gibson (rd 8). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran (EC Forum, 9 September).
10/09/23 Games of Vera Menchik - New item as of 14 April 2023: a collection of Vera Menchik's games. 581* game entries, including stubs; the total of complete scores is 452* and part-games is 15*. Latest: Added the game V.Menchik 1-0 E.Holloway (Major Open 1928, rd 1). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran (EC Forum, 9 September).
10/09/23 1928 British Championship Fred D Yates 39 of the 66 games played in the 1928 British Championship, played in Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wales, plus 16 from subsidiary events. Latest: Added two games: (1) V.Menchik 1-0 E.Holloway (Major Open, rd 1); (2) A.Stevenson 1-0 E.Price (Women's ch, rd 8). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran (EC Forum, 9 September).
10/09/23 1927/28 Hastings Saviely Tartakower 25 (out of 45) Premier games, 26 games from subsidiary sections (including five Vera Menchik games), crosstables, results and some biographical items. Latest: Added one game and additional moves found for another: (1) R.Lean 1-0 L.Illingworth (Major A, rd 6); (2) H.McMullon 0-1 F.Safran (First Class Reserves - further moves added). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran.
09/09/23 1922/23 Hastings Akiba Rubinstein 29 games, 16 stubs from the Premier, plus 10 games, one part-game from the Major and two games from Réti's blindfold simul, crosstables, etc. Latest: Added one game, kindly contributed by Gerard Killoran, for which many thanks: S.Meymott 0-1 E.Holloway (First Class B).
09/09/23 1921 British Championship Fred D Yates 29 of the 66 games of the 1921 British Chess Championship, held at Malvern College in August, plus 4 part-games, and 30 games from the subsidiary events. Latest: Added three games submitted by Gerard Killoran, for which many thanks: (1) P.Sergeant 0-1 J.O'Hanlon (rd 1 Championship); (2) H.Fraenkel 1-0 H.Snowden (rd 6, Major Open); (3) W.Cunningham Craig 1-0 C.Gurnhill (First Class A). I have also added the contemporary report of the tournament given in BCM.
20/08/23 1987 Lloyds Bank Masters M Wilder, M Chandler 213 games (of which three are stubs). Latest: added four games played by Lawrence Cooper, who achieved his 1st IM norm at this tournament: (1) win vs Lanka Ravi (rd 2); (2) loss to B.Zueger (rd 3) which Lawrence posted on the English Chess Forum to mark the recent death of his opponent (1961-2023); (3) draw with Hartston (rd 4); (4) win v Harandi (rd 5). Lawrence tells me he doesn't have the score of his first round win vs Gareth Haslinger. I've also now posted a complete crosstable of this event.
14/08/23 1987 Chess for Peace, London Julian Hodgson 167 games from this 11-round Swiss event won by Julian Hodgson on tie-break from Gavin Crawley and Dibyendu Barua. Full crosstable, background info, contemporary reports. Latest: added five further games, all played by Gavin Crawley.
13/08/23 1987/88 Hastings Nigel Short All 56 Premier games, plus 36 from the Challengers and 16 from other sections, crosstables, results. Latest: added the game Plaskett 0-1 Kosten (Challengers, rd 8).
08/08/23 1984 Oakham Young Masters Niaz Murshed All 180 games of this very strong international for U21 players. I am grateful to Andy Ansel for inputting the games from the bulletin. Only a handful of these games have previously been digitised. Also, a full crosstable and magazine reports.
04/08/23 1953 Bognor Regis Winter / Golombek 11 of the 28 games of this eight-player round robin, played as the main event of the first Bognor Regis congress. Also three part-games and four games from lower sections. Latest update: Two games added: (1) B.Wood ½-½ W.Winter (Premier, rd 4); (2) F.Woolmer 1-0 B.Barratt (Premier Reserves C); and the game P.Ursell 1-0 A.Watson (Premier Reserves B) corrected and given a source. EDIT (4 August 2023): added H.Gross 0-1 B.H.Wood (rd 3). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
31/07/23 2023 Kingston Invitational Conor Murphy All 90 games from two ten-player round-robins played at Kingston University, organised by Stephen Moss.
30/07/23 2023 British Championship Michael Adams All 278 games of the 2023 British Championship, held in Leicester. Games taken from the website.
18/07/23 2023 Wood Green Invitational Ameet Ghasi All 45 games from this invitational GM norm event. Ameet Ghasi achieved a GM norm.
17/07/23 1981 Lewisham International Mark Hebden First upload of 173 games (including 1 stub), which is all bar a handful of the games played. Around 30 games of this event had been in circulation previously but with significant errors. The games were input from a problematic bulletin by Andy Ansel for which many, many thanks. We collaborated on reconstructions of a few games where the bulletin had errors or omissions; those games include explanatory details of the reconstructions. The bulletin crosstable also had errors but hopefully now eradicated.
11/07/23 1971 West of England (WECU) Championship David LeMoir 20 games from the April 1971 championship. The two main sources for the games were: (1) games submitted by David LeMoir, 31 January 2018, for which many thanks; (2) the Dr. Aitken games collection.
10/07/23 1970 West of England (WECU) Championship P H Clarke 16 games from the March 1970 championship. The two main sources for the games were: (1) games submitted by David LeMoir, 31 January 2018, for which many thanks; (2) the Dr. Aitken games collection.
10/07/23 1969 West of England (WECU) Championship P H Clarke,
L P Burnett
25 games from the April 1969 championship. The two main sources for the games were: (1) games submitted by David LeMoir, 31 January 2018, for which many thanks; (2) the Dr. Aitken games collection.
09/07/23 1968 West of England (WECU) Championship A R B Thomas,
J M Aitken
21 games from the April 1968 championship. The two main sources for the games were: (1) games submitted by David LeMoir, 31 January 2018, for which many thanks; (2) the Dr. Aitken games collection.
09/07/23 1967 West of England (WECU) Championship Leon P Burnett 15 games from the March 1967 championship. The two main sources for the games were: (1) games submitted by David LeMoir, 31 January 2018, for which many thanks; (2) the Dr. Aitken games collection.
09/07/23 1966 West of England (WECU) Championship P Coast, D Ellis 17 games from this April 1966 championship. The two main sources for the games were: (1) games submitted by David LeMoir, 31 January 2018, for which many thanks; (2) the Dr. Aitken games collection.
08/07/23 1983 Midland Indiv. Ch'ship, Forrest Cup Geoff Lawton 30 games from this six-round Swiss, 25-27 March 1983 in Derby. My thanks to Neil Graham for sending me the bulletin. Latest: added a game, C.W.Baker 1-0 P.McMahon (rd 5). Whilst in the process of adding the game, I discovered that I had supplied wrong dates for all the existing games! Apologies - now corrected.
07/07/23 1977 Birmingham International George Botterill All 66 games from the 'Walbrook' Birmingham masters tournament, plus a new batch of 28 games from the Midland Open Championship which ran alongside. My thanks to Andy Ansel for supplying the games. Plus crosstable and results.
04/07/23 1970/71 Hastings Lajos Portisch 45 Premier games, which have been available for some time, but now with a new batch of 34 Challengers games, 2 from lower sections, crosstables, results, etc. Four games were contributed by Andy Ansel and two by Brian Denman, for which many thanks. Latest: added one more game from the Challengers: H.Van Donk 0-1 B.Cafferty (rd 7). I have the late Peter Gibbs to thank for this: I was browsing his Birmingham Daily Post columns and found this game.
03/07/23 1990 Oakham Young Masters Ilan Manor 215 games played in this exceptionally strong nine-round Swiss for players of 21 or under. Israeli IM Ilan Manor won ahead of such players as Anand, Adams and the as yet unrated 13-year-old Peter Svidler.
03/07/23 1990 Watson, Farley & Williams Bent Larsen All 91 games plus crosstable of this 14-player all-play-all.
02/07/23 1986 Commonwealth Ch'ship, London J Hjartarson (1st prize); Prasad (title) 29 games from the 1986 Commonwealth Championship held at the Great Eastern Hotel, London, 11-19 August. I've discovered a full crosstable to go with it, but no bulletin so far. Latest: a further seven games added, all played by Stuart Conquest and submitted by Brian Denman, for which many thanks. Brian tells me these came from the tournament bulletin. I should very much like to track it down.
01/07/23 2023 County Championship Final Middlesex All 16 games from the County Championship Final won by Middlesex on board count after an 8-8 draw with Surrey.
29/06/23 1939 Margate Paul Keres All 45 games from the Premier, plus 31+7 games/part-games from other sections, crosstables and results. Latest: I am grateful to <chesshistoryinterest> at for providing a link to the part-score of I.Raud 1-0 A.R.B.Thomas in an Estonian newspaper. I have added this part-game to the collection.
28/06/23 1966 Bognor Regis International Nikola Karaklajic 35 games and 4 part-games plus 5 games from subsidiary events of the 1966 Bognor Regis event, styled the Churchill Memorial that year. Also complete crosstable of the main tournament plus prizewinners of the subsidiary sections. Latest: added the game O.Hardy 1-0 J.O'Dell, rd 4. Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for submitting it. EDIT: and another game added - H.Bouwmeester 1-0 N.Littlewood (rd 3). Many thanks to Ron de Haas for submitting it.
26/06/23 1986 Lloyds Bank Masters Simen Agdestein 145 games of this tournament (out of circa 800 played), 141 of which were posted some years ago but now with a complete crosstable of results. Latest: three games added: (1) T.Ernst 0-1 M.Pein (rd 2); (2) T.Karolyi 1-0 D.Coleman (rd 4); (3) T.Karolyi ½-½ A.Weindl (rd 9).
26/06/23 1986 British Championship Jon Speelman All 341 games of the Championship, plus the eight games of the Speelman/Chandler/Mestel play-off in December 1986, and one game from lower sections. Crosstables of the Championship and Women's Championship, plus full results of other sections. Latest: added a game from the Major Open: Y.Afek 1-0 B.Jacobs.
22/06/23 1996 Paignton Premier Gary Lane First upload of 107 games (including one stub) from the 46th Paignton Premier, , input from the original scoresheets by me.
09/06/23 1995 Paignton Premier Graeme Buckley, Keith Arkell First upload of 111 games from the 45th Paignton Paignton, input from the original scoresheets by me. Read the story of how these came to light recently.
07/06/23 1995 Hastings Centenary Masters Suat Atalik First upload of 387 games (i.e. all bar a handful of the games played), plus a crosstable which is accurate down to 3½/9. These games have been widely available for some years, though with errors which I have attempted to eradicate.
05/06/23 1971 Robert Silk & Paignton Congress R Bellin, W Hartson; J Century, AH Williams Nine games from the Robert Silk & Paignton Premier events held alongside each other. I'm surprised not to find more games for these strong events.
04/06/23 1995 (2nd) St Peters de Beauvoir Neil McDonald Just 18 games, two part-games and the crosstable of this 16-player all-play-all held at St Peter's Church, Islington, London, April/May 1995.
04/06/23 1995 (5th) Café Baroque International Andrew Whiteley All 45 games from this April 1995 all-play-all, with crosstable, but lacking round numbers and dates
04/06/23 1994 (1st) St Peters de Beauvoir Benjamin Martin All 45 games plus crosstable of this tournament held at St Peter's Church, Islington, London. It was played just before Xmas according to the report in CHESS, June 1995, but exact dates not known.
04/06/23 1994 Menchik Memorial, Maidstone Jonathan Levitt All 99 games from a nine-round Swiss event played in October 1994.
04/06/23 1994 (4th) Café Baroque International Neil McDonald All 45 games from this November 1994 all-play-all, with round numbers, dates and crosstable.
04/06/23 1994 (3rd) Café Baroque International Neil McDonald Just 9 of the 45 games from this June/July 1994 all-play-all found, no round numbers or dates but I do have a full crosstable. Can anyone help with more games?
04/06/23 1994 (2nd) Café Baroque International Neil McDonald All 45 games from this March 1994 all-play-all, with round numbers, dates and crosstable.
04/06/23 1994 (1st) Café Baroque International Neil McDonald All 45 games from this February 1994 all-play-all, with round numbers, dates and crosstable.
04/06/23 1994 Burlington Staunton International Neil McDonald 102 of the 115 games played in this 16-player all-play-all, played in Chiswick, London. However, so far no exact dates and very few round numbers. Can anyone help with this file?
02/06/23 2022 Central London Congress Graeme Buckley All the games from the November 2022 Open/Major/Minor events (75, 78 and 45 games respectively) plus crosstables. Many thanks to FA Lance Leslie-Smith for the games.
31/05/23 1936 Nottingham Botvinnik, Capablanca All 105 games of this famous event, originally posted here in 1999, plus 54 games from subsidiary events, including the two very strong Major Opens which were held alongside. Latest: added a (very interesting) part-game which I found in Walter Korn's The Brilliant Touch (Pitman 1950): A.Reynolds 0-1 B.H.Wood, Major Open B (rd 6).
30/05/23 2023 English Open & Women's Championships Michael Adams; Katarzyna Toma All 218 (Open) & 75 (Women) games and crosstables, from
29/05/23 1950 British Championship R J Broadbent 57 complete games out of a possible 198, plus 17 game fragments and 6 complete games from the Major Open. Latest: added one game: D.Hooper 1-0 T.J.Beach (rd 6), from David Hooper's scorebook via Kevin Thurlow, to whom many thanks. Plus a part-game, V.Buerger ½-½ D.Horne (rd 9).
28/05/23 1990 Lloyds Bank Masters Conquest (on tie-break from), Adams, Sturua 255 games posted here, plus a game from the tournament launch. I've added as full a crosstable as appears to be available. Has anyone got a complete crosstable? Latest: Four more games added, all played by Andrew Soltis: (1) Rd 1 win v Susan Arkell/Lalic; (2) Rd 4 win v D Coleman; (3) Rd 5 draw with D Barua; (4) Rd 9 draw with G Mittelman. My thanks to Andy Ansel for sending the games.
28/05/23 1900/1901 Craigside Llandudno Amos Burn First upload (28 May 2023): nine games (and three stubs) from the main tournament plus 11 from the First Class, 10 from the Second Class and six from the Handicap event. My thanks to Tony Gillam for supplying a copy of Tournaments of 1900 and 1901 (Chess Player, 2012) from which the game scores were taken.
24/05/23 2023 UK Armed Forces Ch'ship D Onley, D Wells 283 games from the recent UK Armed Forces Championship, held at RAF Wittering. My thanks to Kevin Thurlow for the games.
23/05/23 1988/89 Hastings Nigel Short All 51 games from the Premier, now with round numbers and dates, plus 107 games from the Challengers, won in sensational fashion by 12-year-old Judit Polgar. Most of those games also have round numbers and dates, plus a partial crosstable.
22/05/23 2023 Frome Open Keith Arkell 102 games from the 32nd Frome Open. Many thanks to Kevin Thurlow for sending them.
21/05/23 1939 BCF Bournemouth Max Euwe All 66 games of the non-championship tournament held as part of the BCF Congress, won by ex-world champion Euwe. Also 33 games from subsidiary events. Full crosstables and results from all sections. Latest: Added the game A.Thomson 1-0 P.Hoad (Major Open B). Many thanks to Andy Ansel for submitting the game. I've amended Euwe-Abrahams to show that Black resigned on move 12, which is how it is recorded in both BCM and CHESS (the latter with Euwe's own notes).
15/05/23 1953 Paignton Bob Wade Nine games, crosstable, results and report, plus 7 games played by Ronnie Ives in the Major B section. My main motivation for uploading this item was the appearance of a splendid group photo at the English Chess Forum, for which thanks are due to Ingrid Ives. I've colourised it and added a few IDs where known. Latest: Added 7 games played by Ronnie Ives in Major B, and a crosstable for that section. Many thanks to Ingrid Ives for the loan of Ronnie Ives's chess memorabilia. Some additions/amendments made to the names of people in the group photo. Many thanks to Leonard Barden for help with this.
14/05/23 1952 Southsea, Stevenson Memorial D A Yanofsky 27 games from this 10-round Swiss, plus a game from a subsidiary section and crosstable, reports, photos, etc. Latest: One game added: D.Leslie 0-1 F.Scafarelli (rd 6, 22.04.1952). Contributed by Mauro Berni, for which many thanks.
13/05/23 1934 British Championship Sir George Thomas All 66 games, plus 17+11 games/part-games from other sections. Latest: Added one game: W.Ritson Morry 0-1 E.Spencer (Major Open, rd 1, 30.07.1934). Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, for which many thanks.
12/05/23 Chess History Links - A reminder that there is collection of chess history links available at this website. Recently added links include excellent Australian and Spanish chess history sites. Do check them out.
10/05/23 2023 ENG-ch Senior 50+/65+ K Arkell, M Hebden (50+); CW Baker (65+) 241 games and crosstables from the English Senior 50+/65+ Championships held at Leamington, 5-8 May.
02/05/23 Hector William Shoosmith (1877-1912) - 127 games (plus 2 part-games and 16 stubs) of Hector William Shoosmith (1877-1912), a strong English player of the Edwardian era, who played in several British Championships. I made a collection of his games as part of my research for an article about Shoosmith published in the August 2017 issue of CHESS Magazine. My thanks to Brian Denman for his considerable help with this task, also Gerard Killoran for additional games. Latest: added the game H.Shoosmith 0-1 C.Sherrard, said to have been played 'recently' in the Birmingham Daily Post of 12.09.1905. Venue unknown. The match format was described as 'three up' which contributor Brian Denman takes to mean the first to record three wins. Sherrard won the match. Many thanks to Brian Denman.
01/05/23 1962 Paul Keres Simul Tour - 17 games and part-games from a simul tour made by Soviet/Estonian GM Paul Keres between 25 November and 3 December 1962, with magazine and newspaper reports and a photo. Latest: added one game: P.Keres 0-1 A.Toothill, York Simul, 28.11.1962. Sourced from a Yorkshire Evening Post press cutting, posted by Ingrid Ives on the English Chess Forum, 28 April 2023. Many thanks to Ingrid.
30/04/23 1988 Watson, Farley & Williams Paul Motwani New upload as of 30 April 2023: all 66 games, with dates, plus crosstable.
30/04/23 1987 NatWest Young Masters Gary Lane First uploaded here in 1998. Now updated with a games viewer, crosstable and some photos. Note that there has been a correction to the score of Whiteley-Arkell (rd 7) - a final move (28 Rc1) added. The tournament was notable for the achievement of final IM norms by Gary Lane and Mickey Adams.
30/04/23 1988 British Championship Jonathan Mestel 305 of the 385 games played in the 1988 British Championship in Blackpool. Full crosstable of the Championships and results of all subsidiary events. Latest: Added a game from the Women's Championship: D.Cooper 0-1 C.Rogers (rd 4). My thanks to Paul Summers for sending the game.
26/04/23 1961 Ilford Premier Cenek Kottnauer First upload. All 15 Premier games, 2 games and 1 part-game from Premier Reserves A. Crosstables, results, reports. Many thanks to Andy Ansel for inputting many of the games from the Eric Fisher booklet.
25/04/23 1903 Midlands v City of London Midland Counties Ten games from a 21-board match between the Midland Counties and the City of London CC. It's unusual to find quite so many games from a team match so I thought it might make an interesting item. Full results of match included.
18/04/23 2023 Alexander Cup Final Kingston All ten games from the final of the Alexander Cup (Surrey Team Knock-Out) between Battersea and Kingston. My thanks to Stephen Moss for helping to collect the games.
17/04/23 1947 British Championship H Golombek (after a play-off vs R Broadbent) 62 games (and 1 part-game) of the 66 played in the 1947 British Championship in Harrogate and six games of Golombek/Broadbent play-off. 70 games from the Major Open, the women's championship and the Easter junior championships have also been included. Latest: added the game E.Tranmer ½-½ R.Bruce, rd 8, Women's Championship. Many thanks to Gerard Killoran who contributed the game via the English Chess Forum.
17/04/23 1933 British Championship Mir Sultan Khan 37 of the 66 games, plus some part-games, from the 1933 British Championship and 15 from lower sections. Crosstables included, plus those of the General Congress, which was held the previous month alongside the Team Tournament in Folkestone. Latest: added two games from the BCF Folkestone Premier: (1) O.Blum ½-½ Arthur Eva; (2) E.Colman 0-1 E.Spemcer. Many thanks to Gerard Killoran for contributing these games via the English Chess Forum.
11/04/23 2023 Southend Masters Mahel Boyer All 45 games of this ten-player all-play-all which produced a remarkable number of norms - two GM norms for Mahel Boyer (FRA) and 2nd placed Ameet Ghasi (ENG), and an IM norm for Yichen Han (NED). Many thanks to FA Lance Leslie-Smith for sending the games.
10/04/23 1963 Bognor Regis International Nikola Karaklajic A new item (21 December 2022): 50 Stevenson Memorial games, 1 part-game and 16 more from subsidiary events. Latest: thanks to Jon Edwards I have been able to compile a full crosstable of this event. This has made it possible to attribute a round number and date to all the Stevenson Memorial tournament games. Many thanks to Jon Edwards, and also to Ulrich Tamm for his assistance with this project.
09/04/23 1958 British Championship Jonathan Penrose (after a play-off with Leonard Barden) A major update: previously only 30 games (and 7 part-games) of the Championship were available, but we now have all available games from the Championship bar one which is missing (Dean 0-1 Fazekas, rd 11). One game was a default (Viney 1-0 Rumens, rd 9) so there were 153 games played in total. Three are part-games due to defective scores (Dean 0-1 Wise, rd 4; Ellison 0-1 Gibbs, rd 5, though this game is missing only the last three moves; Beach ½-½ Sergeant, rd 7); plus two suspect scores (Green 1-0 Clarke, rd 4; Slade ½-½ Beach, rd 6). Also note that a couple of the games already posted have had emendations to the scores. Many thanks to Andy Ansel who input the extra games from the tournament booklet edited by Eric Fisher. The games from lower sections and the play-off match are unchanged. Latest: as detailed above.
01/03/23 2022 Guernsey International Boris Chatalbashev All 377 games from the 46th Guernsey tournament, October 2022. Many thanks to Arthur Brameld.
28/02/23 1985 NatWest Team Challenge England All 54 games of this team/Scheveningen event played in Catford, London, with four teams of three players each.
26/02/23 1936 Margate Salo Flohr 33 of the 45 games, plus 1 part-game and 34 from subsidiary sections. Crosstables and photos. Latest: added one part-game: G.Koltanowski 1-0 L.Illingworth (Premier Reserves A, rd 9). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
26/02/23 1909 British Championship H E Atkins All 62 Championship games played in Scarborough, 3 from the play-off, 28 from other sections. Latest: added the game J.Parry ½-½ H.Price (First Class C, rd 11). Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, 25 February 2023, for which many thanks.
25/02/23 1994 Lloyds Bank Masters Alexander Morozevich 781 games. This was the last of the great Lloyds Bank Masters tournaments, and featured a stunning 9½/10 score by Alexander Morozevich - a TPR of 2970 and (claimed the organisers) bettered only by Fischer and Karpov. At the time he was only an IM. If anyone has any more games (e.g. their own) played in this event, I would be pleased to include them. Latest: Added the game R.Dive 1-0 R.Devenney (rd 10), found in New Zealand Chess, October 1994. Thanks to Chris Kreuzer for the tip-off.
25/02/23 1994 British Championship W Watson 236 games from the 1994 British Championship played in Norwich, plus 131 games from subsidiary sections. Latest: added the game R.Millward 0-1 R.Dive, found in a copy of New Zealand Chess, October 1994. Thanks to Chris Kreuzer for the tip-off as to its existence.
25/02/23 1908 British Championship H E Atkins All 66 Championship games, plus 8 from other sections. Latest: added four games: (1) F.Yates 1-0 G.Schories (First Class A, rd 8); (2) F.Smith 1-0 J.Allcock (First Class A, rd 8); (3) A.Kerr 1-0 F.Brown (First Class B, rd 8); (4) R.Genese 0-1 H.Ford (Second Class B, rd 6). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran who contributed them via the English Chess Forum.
25/02/23 1907 British Championship H E Atkins 30 games, 5 part-games, 20 games from subsidiary events. The 1907 British Championship was held in Crystal Palace, Sydenham, London. Latest: added one game: F.Brown 1-0 P.Gibbs (First Class, rd 6). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran who contributed it via the English Chess Forum. (n.b. I have removed the stub games from the download.)
23/02/23 2023 Mind Sports Masters Jonah Willow All 135 games from three 10-player all-play-alls held at the Mind Sports Centre, 15-19 February.
22/02/23 1930 BCF Scarborough Edgar Colle All 66 games from the BCF Masters tournament, played in place of a British Championship in 1930, plus 29 games from subsidiary events and full crosstables of all tournament held at the congress. Latest: Added one game: J.Scott 1-0 H.Heneage (Second Class, rd 7). Many thanks to Brian Denman for the score.
22/02/23 1906 British Championship H E Atkins 32 games and 1 part-game from the 1906 British Championship held in Shrewsbury, plus 33 stubs and 26 games from subsidiary events. Latest: Added one part-game: F.Brown 0-1 G.Wainwright (Championship, rd 6). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran who contributed them via the English Chess Forum.
22/02/23 1930 Canterbury Sir George Thomas A strong eight-player all-play-all, held in the Crypt(!) at St Augustine's College, Canterbury, in April 1930. 17 out of 28 games, plus 1 part-game and 6 games from subsidiary events. Photo and crosstables appended. Latest: added the game Sir G.Thomas 0-1 V.Menchik (rd 7). Many thanks to Brian Denman.
21/02/23 2023 (2nd) She Plays to Win, Edinburgh Svetlana Sucikova All 45 games of the women's tournament played in Edinburgh, 15-19 February 2023.
20/02/23 1985 Lloyds Bank Masters A Belyavsky 183 games from the 9th Lloyds Bank Masters, won by Alexander Belyavsky, plus a PDF of the complete bulletin, with crosstables, results, norms and prizes. Latest: added two games: (1) B.Jacobs 0-1 D.Johansen (rd 2); (2) D.Johansen 1-0 S.Mannion (rd 8). Thanks to Darryl Johansen and Paul Summers for supplying the scores.
20/02/23 1985 Commonwealth Championship K Spraggett, P Thipsay 199 games from this 11-round tournament held in London Docklands. Latest: added two games: (1) J.Howell 1-0 D.Johansen (rd 3); (2) M.Pein 0-1 D.Johansen (Rd 7). Amendments applied to the scores of D.Johansen 1-0 D.Friedgood (rd 6) and H.Barber 0-1 D.Johansen (rd 11). Some annotations by GM Darryl Johansen added to existing games. A number of incorrect dates amended. Many thanks to Darryl Johansen and Paul Summers for additions and corrections.
13/02/23 1925/26 Hastings Alekhine, Vidmar 28 of 45 Premier games, 17 stubs/part-games, 6 from lower sections, crosstables. Latest: added the game V.Menchik 0-1 A.Teller (rd 8, Major). Many thanks to Brian Denman. Later the same day: added two more games and a stub, all from the Major competition: (1) M.Goldstein 0-1 A.Teller (rd 1); (2) G.Packer ½-½ A.Teller (rd 2, stub); (3) A.Teller 1-0 E.Jesty (rd 5). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm. Also, today, Andy Ansel has identified move order discrepancies to the following games: (1) Colle 0-1 Alekhine (Premier rd 3); (2) Vidmar-Yates (Premier rd 5); (3) Alekhine-Yates (Premier rd 6). Whilst fixing these, I identified another one: (4) Alekhine-Seitz (Premier rd 5). Many thanks to Andy.
12/02/23 1926/27 Hastings Saviely Tartakower All 45 Premier games and 15+1 from lower sections, crosstables and results. Latest: added the game R.Lean 0-1 V.Menchik (rd 5, Major Reserves). Many thanks to Brian Denman. Later the same day: eight further game entries: five games, one part-game and one stub from the Major Section: (1) E.Jackson 0-1 M.Goldstein (rd 2); (2) V.Soultanbeieff ½-½ P.Sergeant (rd 3, stub); (3) M.Goldstein 0-1 I.Gudju (rd 3); (4) I.Gudju 1-0 G.Koltanowski (rd 4); (5) G.Koltanowski 1-0 P.König (rd 5); (6) M.Goldstein ½-½ G.Koltanowski (rd 6); (7) S.Grüber 0-1 I.Gudju (rd 7, part-game). And, from First Class B: (8) G.Wright 0-1 F.Salmony. Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
12/02/23 1942/43 Manor Farm J C Waterman A very minor event of which we only have 1½ games, but a curiosity as an all too rare wartime competition. I'm pretty sure one of the competitors was the bridge player Terence Reese. Julius du Mont's report is a period piece and he was probably surprised to lose to the tournament host, an unknown Somerset farmer. Latest: the tournament was held for a second time over the new year of 1943/44, this time with none other than Tartakower taking part. An incomplete crosstable of the 1943/44 event appended, plus one Tartakower game and a consultation game in which he was also involved.
10/02/23 1952 Paignton Leonard Barden 17 of the 28 games of the 1952 Paignton Premier, plus two from lower sections. Latest: added a game from Reserves B, J.D.Rosse 0-1 A.G.Midgley.
10/02/23 1937/38 Hastings Reshevsky All 45 games of the Premier, 35 from lower sections, plus crosstables, results and reports. Latest: added the game J.Richardson 1-0 NN (First Class Morning), contributed by Gerard Killoran, for which many thanks.
07/02/23 1946/47 Hastings C Hugh O'D Alexander All 45 games of the Premier, plus 17 games from subsidiary sections. Crosstables of the major sections, with full names of players where available. Latest: added one game: R.Newman 0-1 H.van Steenis (Premier Reserves A). My thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
07/02/23 1937 Birmingham International Eliskases, Prins 25 games, 3 part-games, crosstable, photo, from the first of many tournaments organised by Ritson Morry in Birmingham. New item as of 23 January 2023. Latest: the game Wood 0-1 Prins given here until today was actually their game from the 1939 tournament (and already in the Birmingham 1939 file). I therefore deleted it from the 1937 file but I have since tracked down the true 1937 game between the two players and added it.
06/02/23 2022 British Championship Harry Grieve All 261 games of the British Championship in Torquay, plus 145 from the Over 50s Championship. Download PGN. Latest: Added a second download link for games from the Major Open, Over 65s Championship, Week 1 Open, U16, U14 and U12 Championships. 923 games in total. One game amended: S.Homer 0-1 M.Dubey (rd 4, over 50s): not ½-½ as previously given.
04/02/23 1960 Bognor Regis O'Kelly & Darga 35 games and 6 part-games, plus complete crosstable. New item, 13 January 2023. More results and reports to be added in due course. Latest: Mabbs 1-0 Tadiello, previously a part-game, now features a complete score.
30/01/23 2022/23 Hastings Sarunas Sulskis 428 games and crosstable from the latest Caplin Hastings Masters.
28/01/23 1973 Birmingham International Tony Miles 34 games & 5 part-games from the April 1973 Birmingham International. This was Tony Miles' break-through event in which he recorded his first IM norm a few days after turning 18, at a time when it was almost unheard of for teenagers to win international events. I'm a bit surprised at how few of the games of this tournament seem to have been digitised until now, and we still have fewer than half of them. EDIT: four more Andrew Soltis games added, thanks to Andy Ansel.
26/01/23 1962 Bognor Regis International Nikola Karaklajic 60 complete games, 4 part-games, 62 stubs, plus 6 games from subsidiary sections. Complete crosstable and results from other sections. Latest: Added a game from the SCCU Under-18 Championship, found at P.Collacott 0-1 J.Hardinge (U18, rd 6).
25/01/23 1948 Plymouth Jubilee Euwe, Kitto 15 games, 3 part-games, 1 stub and 1 game from a lower section from the Plymouth Jubilee Premier, played in August 1948. New item 25 January 2023. Latest: added the game T.Warburton 0-1 A.T.Watson (Major B). Many thanks to Brian Denman.
24/01/23 1982 Lewisham International James Plaskett 88 games. First published here some years ago but now with an extra game (Kosten-Crouch, rd 8), a complete crosstable, PDF of the bulletin, details of norms achieved, etc, plus two garbled game scores disentangled.
23/01/23 1977 West of England Championship A S Hollis 28 games from the West of England (WECU) souvenir brochure, of which 21 were contributed by Andy Ansel, for which many thanks.
22/01/23 1969 Bognor Regis David Pritchard 20 games, 3 part-games and a complete crosstable of the 17th (and sadly last) Bognor Regis tournament. New item as of 18 January 2023. Latest: Added a game: G.Nicholas 0-1 U.Andersson (rd 5). Many thanks to Gerald Hartmann.
22/01/23 1960 Northern Open, Whitby Alberic O'Kelly de Galway Two games and one part-game from this 11-round Swiss event headed by three strong continental players, O'Kelly, Donner and Perez. Latest: two games contributed by Gerald Hartmann: (1) A.O'Kelly 1-0 D.G.Ellison; (2) P.Hempson 0-1 J.H.Donner. Many thanks, Gerald.
19/01/23 1983 Lloyds Bank Masters Yuri Razuvaev 138 games. Originally posted here in 2007, now with a game viewer and crosstable. Latest: Six games added: (1) Johansen 1-0 Wockenfuss (rd 2); (2) Hawksworth 0-1 Johansen (rd 5); (3) Rogers 1-0 Lucena (rd 5); (4) Thipsay ½-½ Rogers (rd 6); (5) Rogers 1-0 J.Howell (rd 7); (6) Rogers 1-0 Penzias (rd 9). I am grateful to Paul Summers of Australian Chess Games for sending the games to me.
18/01/23 1961 Bognor Regis Alberic O'Kelly de Galway First upload of 16 games, 1 part-game, full crosstable. Also one game from a junior simul. Latest: added one game, P.Kirtlan 0-1 K.Darga (rd 1). Many thanks to Brian Denman.
17/01/23 1960 Chess Festival, Eastbourne Donner, O'Kelly 19 games (of which 12 have appeared before in the Cafferty file) from the 8th CHESS Festival held in Eastbourne. Comes with a complete crosstable of results compiled from notes taken by Bernard Cafferty. Latest: added a game found in the SCCU Bulletin: M.Macdonald-Ross 1-0 M.Broido (rd 7).
16/01/23 1912 Britain vs Netherlands Netherlands All 16 games from the inaugural Anglo-Dutch match of 1912. My thanks to Jan Kersten for supplying the games, photo and other reference material releveant to this match.
16/01/23 Anglo-Dutch Match Records 1912-1972 - Jan Kersten has produced this excellent results list of the 22 Anglo-Dutch (England/Britain vs Netherlands) matches played between 1912 and 1970.
15/01/23 1960 Ilford Premier Denis Mardle 5 games, 3 part-games of 15 played, plus 1 game from lower section. Crosstables, results. New item 15 January 2023.
14/01/23 1960 Coventry Premier John Littlewood New item (14 January): 7 of the 15 games in a six-player round-robin won by John Littlewood with 5/5. All his games with his own annotations.
14/01/23 1960/61 Hastings Svetozar Gligoric All 45 Premier games, plus 7+1 from lower sections, crosstables and results. Latest: Added 3 games and 1 part-game from the Premier Challengers: (1) P.Hohler ½-½ A.O'Kelly (rd 6); (2) L.Gusel 1-0 P.Hohler (rd 7, part-game); (3) L.Gusel ½-½ P.Gibbs (rd 8); (4) R.Cherubim 0-1 A.R.B.Thomas (rd 9). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
13/01/23 1947/48 Hastings Laszlo Szabo 22 of the 45 Premier games, plus 1 part-game, plus 44 games and part-games from other sections. Now includes crosstables, report and results. Latest: added the game Mrs C Lewis 0-1 Edmond Julien T Leyns, 2nd Class PM A, contributed by Brian Denman, for which many thanks.
13/01/23 1973 Ilford Open Alan Phillips 39 games from the 1973 Ilford Open, published in the tournament bulletin. Latest: correction to a name - Michael V Woodhams (not Michael H Woodhams). Thanks to Paul Summers for drawing my attention to this.
12/01/23 1960 British Universities Team Championship London University 5 games, plus the report of this BUCA event, held in the Wirral, 6-7 February 1960. (Apologies - the games as originally uploaded showed the wrong game date - January 1960 when it should have been February 1960. All now corrected.)
10/01/23 1959/60 Hastings Svetozar Gligoric 45 Premier games, 11 games from lower sections, crosstables, results, plus an interesting newspaper article on Hastings by Michael Frayn. Latest: added two games from the Premier Reserves Major: (1) R.Cherubim 1-0 A.R.B.Thomas (rd 1); (2) A.R.B.Thomas 1-0 A.Zehnder (rd 7). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
10/01/23 1957/58 Hastings Paul Keres 45 Premier games, 9+2 games/part-games from lower sections, crosstables, results. (New item 7 January 2023) Latest: now 14+6 games/part-games from lower sections, with the addition of 3 games and 4 part-games from Ulrich Tamm, for which many thanks.
10/01/23 1954/55 Hastings Keres, Smyslov 45 Premier games, plus 19+6 games/part-games from lower sections, crosstables, results, etc. Latest: added a further game, M.Vasiljevic 1-0 J.McLeod (Premier Reserves, rd 5). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
05/01/23 1955/56 Hastings Korchnoi, Olafsson 45 Premier games, plus 17 from other sections, crosstables, results. New item as of 4 January 2023. Latest: Olafsson-Taimanov (rd 1) now has an alternative finish - difficult to know which is correct. I've found two more scores from the Premier Reserves Major: (1) D.Horseman 1-0 D.Horne (rd 1); (2) M.Vukcevich 0-1 D.Horne (rd 2). Ulrich Tamm has found two more Premier Reserves A games: (3) R.Cherubim 1-0 C.Damant (rd 5); (4) W.Turner 0-1 E.N.Mulcahy (rd 9). Sean Coffey has contributed three Jim Walsh games from Premier Reserves B: (5) H.Jühe ½-½ J.Walsh (rd 1); (6) J.Walsh 1-0 D.Jones (rd 2); (7) E.Tranmer 0-1 J.Walsh (rd 3). The two games from Second Class A.M. in the original batch were contributed by Brian Denman. Very much a team effort: my thanks to Brian, Andy, Ulrich and Sean.
04/01/23 1925 British Championship Henry E Atkins 56 of the 66 games played in the 1925 British Chess Championship, played in Stratford-upon-Avon, plus 29 from lower sections. Latest: Added two games from subsidiary sections: (1) W.Watts 1-0 F.Short (Major Open, rd 7); (2) W.Hooper 1-0 F.Wilkinson (First Class B). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran who submitted them via the English Chess Forum.
03/01/23 1928/29 Hastings Colle, Marshall, Takacs All 45 Premier games plus 37 games and 1 part-game from subsidiary sections. Latest: added two games which are believed to have been played in lightning tournaments during the 1928/29 Hastings Congress (we know of at least two such events, dated 31 December 1928 and 3 January 1929). Both games are brevities: (1) R.Cross 1-0 S.Grueber; (2) O.Menchik 0-1 S.Grueber. Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm, who found them in a Hungarian source.
30/12/22 1982 Lloyds Bank Masters Miles (tie-break) 149 games from the 6th Lloyds Bank Masters, plus crosstable and report. Latest: Added three games played by Darryl Johansen: (1) ½-½ v G Flear 9rd 2); (2) 1-0 v J.Emms (rd 3); (3) 1-0 v L.Lederman (rd 4). My thanks to Paul Summers for sending the games. Total of games now 149.
27/12/22 1997 Cardiff Masters James Cobb All 45 games from this 10-player round robin, in which three players achieved IM norms - James Cobb, Luke McShane and Danny Gormally. A fond memory for me despite finishing equal last! The games have been available on CB Mega Database for many years but they are new here - with full dates and crosstable.
26/12/22 1975 British Championship William Hartston All 187 games from the Championship, plus 21 from other sections. Latest: Added one game: B.Blackburn 0-1 G.H.Phillips (First Class), found in an old issue of CHESS.
24/12/22 1982 Brighton 'Knight Flight' Sigurjonsson, Murey, D.Gurevich New item: all 55 games from this 11-player December 1982 all-play-all in Brighton. CB Mega Database had 53 of the 55 but the missing two scores have now been found, and dates and round numbers supplied.
24/12/22 Frequently Asked Questions - I've just updated the BritBase FAQ page. The most relevant passage touches on suitable file formats for submitting game scores to BritBase: "a PGN file (*.pgn) is preferred; also acceptable is a Hiarcs Chess Explorer file (*.hce). A ChessBase archive file (*.cbv) is acceptable but only it was produced by version 16 or earlier. I have recently (December 2022) encountered problems reading files produced by ChessBase version 17 (I still use ChessBase 14), so ChessBase 17 users should either send PGN files or else find a way of creating an old-style CBV file if they wish to send them to me."
23/12/22 1994/95 4NCL Midland Monarchs 445 games (plus 11 stubs) out of 528 games played in the 1994/95 4NCL season. Latest: two games added: (1) P.Littlewood (Wood Green) 1-0 M Ferguson (Midland Monarchs) (rd 7, 18.02.1995); (2) M.Hennigan (Slough) 1-0 P.Littlewood (Wood Green) (rd 8, 19.02.1995). My thanks to Paul Littlewood for sending me his game collection. I've also managed to dredge up the full 1994/95 4NCL results and crosstable from an obscure location on my hard disk where they have been lurking for decades. (I was the 4NCL's first webmaster around 25 years ago.)
23/12/22 Games of Richard Arnold Collins - 2,038 games played by Richard Arnold (better known as Dick) Collins (1944-2020), input by Sean Parker from the player's many scorebooks, with his own annotations. There are two download options: (1) zipped PGN; (2) zipped CBV (ChessBase archive). Dick Collins was a strong English amateur, peaking at around the 2200 mark and active between 1959 and 2020, during which time he met many strong opponents. I am grateful to Sean Parker for submitting these games to BritBase.
22/12/22 1935 British Championship William Winter 33 games, 2 part-games of the 66 available. Also, 31 games from subsidiary events including the Major Open won by Reshevsky. Latest: Added one game: V.Menchik 1-0 B.Wood (Major Open, rd 9). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran for submitting the game via the English Chess Forum.
21/12/22 1964 Bognor Regis International Denis V Mardle 72 games and 6 part-games from the main tournament plus 34 from subsidiary events. Latest: Added 22 games played (and annotated) by Dick Collins, 11 in the Stevenson Memorial proper and 11 in two quickplay (40 moves in 1 hour) tournaments played during the mornings. These two latter events had not been documented previously so I have added a few details of them as recorded by Dick Collins in his scorebook. I am very grateful to Sean Parker for sending me Dick Collins' games.
20/12/22 University Chess Annual (1950 - 1953/4) - PDFs of the four issues of University Chess Annual, which was a 20+ page booklet published by the British Universities Chess Association (BUCA). The PDFs may be found here. Also, a games viewer with all the games and part-games to be found in these four issues. Latest: some more games played by John Cannon in the 1950, 1951 and 1953 BUCA Championships have been added. My thanks to Brian Denman for sending me the games.
18/12/22 1969 British Championship Jonathan Penrose All 176 games from the bulletin, plus 155 games from subsidiary events. Latest: Added six games: from the Major Open - (1) J.Farrand 1-0 D.Barnett; (2) P.Kendall ½-½ A.Cullinane; (3) I.Eustis 0-1 F.Jaeck - from other sections: (4) J.Kirk-O'Grady 1-0 S.Scott (U21); (5) R.Musson 1-0 A.Morley (U16); (6) R.Tilley 1-0 J.Dixon (Five-Day 2nd Week). Many thanks to Gerard Killoran who submitted the games via the English Chess Forum.
18/12/22 1968 British Championship Jonathan Penrose All 198 games from the bulletin, plus 104 games from subsidiary events. Latest: Added two games: (1) P.Kendall 1-0 R.McFarland (U21, rd 4); (2) R.Bailey 1-0 J.Cope (U16, rd 10). My thanks to Gerard Killoran for submitting the games via the English Chess Forum.
18/12/22 1928 West of England, Cheltenham Victor Buerger A new item: of a possible 28 Premier games, we have 14 full scores (one of which is suspect because of a newspaper's typographical errors) and two part-games. There are also 13 games from subsidiary tournaments, including five of Vera Menchik's games (only one of which appears in the Tanner biography). Latest: Added one game from the 1B section: P.Ursell 1-0 W.Wakefield. Many thanks to Brian Denman for sending the game.
17/12/22 1930/31 Hastings Max Euwe 33 games and one part-game of the 45 played in the Premier. Full crosstables and a contemporary report. Latest: now with 19+1 games from subsidiary sections: added four games and one part-game from subsidiary sections: (1) G.Koltanowski 1-0 E.Jackson (Premier Reserves, rd 3, part-game); (2) A.Baratz 1-0 L.Illingworth (Premier Reserves, rd 6); (3) M.Barzin 1-0 H.Schmidt (Major A, rd 8); (4) H.Brown 1-0 M.Barzin (Major A, rd 9); (5) F.Safran 1-0 E.Holloway (Major B). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm for submitting these games. EDIT (17 December): Some photos added. Also, corrections applied to two game scores from the Premier: (1) Sultan-Menchik (rd 6): Black played 17...a6, not 17...c6; (2) Tylor-Michell (rd 7): Black played 34...Ne5, not 34...e5. My thanks to Andy Ansel for drawing my attention to these. Two other games (Capablanca-Yates and Tylor-Yates) have minor game score ambiguities which readers might like to be aware of.
16/12/22 2022 Hampshire Championship Oliver Gill All 21 games from the 2022 Hampshire Championship, played in Fareham in November, plus all 109 games from the Major tournament which ran alongside. My thanks to Arthur Brameld for submitting the games.
07/12/22 2022 Mindsports Masters Harry Grieve All 45 games of the September 2022 Mindsports Masters GM tournament, plus the 45 played in the subsidiary IM event won by Matthew Wadsworth. Latest: I have added the 20 games and crosstable of the FIDE rated tournament which ran alongside the GM and IM norm events. My thanks to Lance Leslie-Smith for sending me the games.
07/12/22 1980/81 Hastings Congress Andersson 120 games from the 1980/81 Premier, which have been posted before, but now with 56 games from the Challengers and six from subsidiary events, plus full crosstables of the Premier and Challengers and results of other sections, etc. Latest: added two Challengers games: (1) R.Hoffman 0-1 G.West (rd2); (2) A.Luchtmeijer 1-0 D.MacFarlane (rd 8). My thanks to Paul Summers for submitting the games.
07/12/22 1951 Staunton Memorial S Gligoric All 120 games of this prestigious event, held to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the legendary 1851 tournament. Crosstable, photo and round reports. Latest: Andy Ansel has identified discrepancies in four game scores taken from CB Mega Database, as compared with the tournament supplement published in BCM, July/August 1951, as follows: (1) Tartakower-Pirc (rd 2); (2) Stahlberg-Alexander (rd 14); (3) Bogoljubow-Stahlberg (rd 15); (4) Matanovic-Rossolimo (rd 15). I am very grateful to Andy for drawing my attention to these likely errors.
30/11/22 1995 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Chris Duncan, Andrew Ledger 95 games from this competition, also known as the Forrest Cup, played in Derby over the w/e of 24-26 March 1995. Input by me from a bulletin. This completes this batch of MCCU Championship updates. Many thanks to Mike Alderson for the loan of the bulletins.
30/11/22 1994 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Mark Hebden 102 games from this competition, also known as the Forrest Cup, played in Derby over the w/e of 18-20 March 1994. Input by me from a bulletin loaned by Mike Alderson, for which many thanks.
29/11/22 1993 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Keith Arkell All 97 games from this competition, also known as the Forrest Cup, played in Derby over the w/e of 19-21 March 1993. Input by me from a bulletin loaned by Mike Alderson, for which many thanks.
29/11/22 1992 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Andrew Ledger All 81 games from this competition, also known as the Forrest Cup, played in Derby over the w/e of 20-22 March 1992. Input by me from a bulletin loaned by Mike Alderson, for which many thanks.
29/11/22 1991 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Mark Hebden 81 games from this competition, also known as the Forrest Cup, played in Derby over the w/e of 22-24 March 1991. Input by me from a bulletin loaned by Mike Alderson, for which many thanks.
29/11/22 1988 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Graham Waddingham 69 games from this competition, also known as the Forrest Cup, played in Derby over the w/e of 18-20 March 1988. Input by me from a bulletin loaned by Mike Alderson, for which many thanks. Latest: I've now added BCF grades to the crosstable and also to the PGN file, converted to four-figure Elo equivalents (using the then standard formula Elo = (BCF x 8) + 600).
28/11/22 1990 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Mark Hebden 75 games from this competition, also known as the Forrest Cup, played in Derby over the w/e of 23-25 March 1990. Input by me from a bulletin loaned by Mike Alderson, for which many thanks.
28/11/22 1989 Midlands (MCCU) Championships Andrew Ledger 69 games from this competition, played in Derby over the w/e of 10-12 March 1989. Input by me from a bulletin loaned by Mike Alderson, for which many thanks.
24/11/22 2022 Caplin Menchik Memorial, London Joanna Dworakowska All 45 games from the 1st Caplin Menchik Memorial tournament held in London in June 2022.
24/11/22 1962 British Championship Jonathan Penrose All 176 games of the main championships, plus 55 games from subsidiary events. Latest update: Added a game from U18 preliminary B: M. Kerr 0-1 A.Booth. Thanks to Gerard Killoran for supplying the score.
22/11/22 1933 Folkestone Olympiad USA 252 complete games and 12 part-games of the 420 played, plus crosstable. Latest: Ulrich Tamm has sent me one more complete game plus four part-games: (1) Engelmann (Belgium) 1-0 Norcia (Italy), rd 2, complete game; (2) Glass (Austria) ½-½ Lundin (Sweden), rd 3; (3) Sacconi (Italy) 0-1 Lundin (Sweden), rd 5; (4) Abramavicius (Lithuania) ½-½ Berndtsson (Sweden), rd 6; (5) Makarczyk (Poland) ½-½ Luckis (Lithuania), rd 11. Many thanks to Ulrich.
02/11/22 2022 EJCOA Tournament, Newcastle Matthew Wadsworth All 42 games (three were defaulted) from this ten-player all-play-all played in October 2022.
13/10/22 1954 British Championship Barden / Phillips 80 of a possible 165 games, plus 2 game fragments, 24 games from other sections and the 10 games of the Barden-Phillips play-off match. Latest: Added a game from the Under-18 Championship: M.Nicholson 0-1 D.J.P.Gray. Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, 12 October 2022, for which many thanks.
04/09/22 1952 Liverpool Student Events Bronstein, Taimanov All 28 games of a hastily-arranged Students tournament, plus 9 games from the three-round team event which preceded it. 28 of the games have been here for 25 years but I've attempted to work out round numbers and dates for them, plus provide contemporary reports.
02/09/22 1959 Bognor Regis, Stevenson Memorial Gereben, Mardle Now 106 games, which is seven more than appeared here in the zipped file posted in 1998. Complete crosstable, results, reports, etc.
31/08/22 1952/53 Hastings H Golombek, A Medina, J Penrose, D Yanofsky All 45 Premier games plus eight games from subsidiary sections, crosstables, results, reports and photos. Latest: one game added - H.Berliner 1-0 B.Andersen (Premier Reserves Major, rd 5). Many thanks to Andy Ansel for contributing.
31/08/22 1955 Bognor Regis, Stevenson Memorial A O'Kelly de Galway New item: 12 games, 3 part-games and 1 informal game played by the organiser, plus a photo of all the players, a full crosstable, reports, etc. Latest: Four games added: (1) Clarke 1-0 O'Kelly (rd 2); (2) Dean 0-1 Tartakower (rd 4); (3) Newman 0-1 Hooper (rd 4); (4) Hooper 0-1 Martinovsky (rd 4). Contributed by Ulrich Tamm, for which many thanks. EDIT 31/08/22: Ulrich has contributed a further game and half-game: (1) Green 1-0 Lehmann (rd 3, part-game); (2) Lehmann 1-0 Stevenson (rd 7). Many thanks, Ulrich.
31/08/22 1956 Bognor Regis, Stevenson Memorial A O'Kelly de Galway New item: 21 games, 10 part-games, crosstable, group photo, reports and results. Latest: Four more games and four part-games added. Andy Ansel drew my attention to Wade 1-0 Lehmann (rd 2) in BCM and I then noticed that a considerable portion of O'Kelly 1-0 Lehmann (rd 8) was to be found in the notes of that game as given in BCM. Ulrich Tamm contributed the following: (1) Borland 0-1 Mazitis (rd 1); (2) Janosevic ½-½ O'Kelly (rd 5); (3) O'Kelly 1-0 Pirc (rd 7), and also the part-games Benjamin 0-1 O'Kelly (rd 1), Borland 0-1 Lehmann (rd 4) and Evans 1-0 Radcliffe (rd 6). Many thanks to Andy Ansel and Ulrich Tamm. EDITED 31 August - Gert Ligterink points out that, in the game Clarke 0-1 Janosevic (rd 10), 30...Qd6 must be wrong and that the only sensible alternative is 30...Qc6. The file has been amended. Thanks, Gert.
27/08/22 1929 British Championship Sultan Khan 35 games out of 66, with stubs, part-games, and 14 games from subsidiary events. Latest: Three more Fairhurst games added, courtesy of Alistair Maxwell's Fairhurst file: (1) Price 1-0 Fairhurst (rd 6); (2) Fairhurst ½-½ Winter (rd 7); (3) Kirk ½-½ Fairhurst (rd 10). Note that one game from this tournament was not found in the Fairhurst file, namely Morrison 1-0 Fairhurst (rd 3).
23/08/22 1984 Midland Indiv. Ch'ship, Forrest Cup Mark Hebden 26 games from this six-round Swiss, 17-19 February, in Derby. My thanks to Neil Graham for sending me the bulletin.
22/08/22 1985 Midland Indiv. Ch'ship, Forrest Cup C Baker, S Small 45 games from this six-round Swiss, 15-17 February 1985 in Derby. My thanks to Neil Graham for sending me the bulletin - in 1998! There are a couple more from Neil which I hope to input some time before the next Ice Age...
19/08/22 2022 Kingston Invitational Peter Lalic 45 games of Kingston Chess Club's inaugural Kingston Invitational, held in July at Kingston University
15/08/22 Games of Leon Rosselson - 357 games played by Leon Rosselson (born 1934) from his schooldays in 1949-1953 through to 1958, when was rated the equivalent of 2200+, plus a few games during a brief return to chess in the mid-1970s. Many thanks to Leon for letting me have all his old screbooks and scoresheets.
03/08/22 1884 Scottish Championship John Crum 13 of the 45 games played in the 1st Scottish Championship. Please note that we don't have round numbers for these games though we know the dates. Also, note that the player colours for the 32 stub games included are not known. My thanks to Alistair Maxwell for supplying the games. I also acknowledge the inestimable help of Scottish chess history webmaster Alan McGowan in compiling this item.
01/08/22 1931/32 Hastings Flohr 32 Premier games and 5 part-games of a possible 45 as first posted in 2014. I've now added crosstables and reports, plus 24 38 games from subsidiary sections. Latest: a further five games from subsidiary sections supplied by Brian Denman, for which many thanks, plus a complete version of Lean-Lenton and two Ritson Morry efforts. And now seven games from Ultich Tamm, making 38 games from the subsidiary sections in total.
01/08/22 1981 ARC Young Masters Murray Chandler 138 games (complete bar for a few moves and short draws) from the six-round 1981 ARC Young Masters tournament played in February/March 1981 in Chichester. Latest: Paul Summers has supplied me with a corrected version of P.Littlewood 1-0 G.West (rd 4). Many thanks, Paul.
31/07/22 1957 Bognor Regis / Stevenson Memorial S Gligoric 26 games from the April 1957 Stevenson Memorial won by Gligoric ahead of O'Kelly, Andersen, Wade, etc. Crosstable, results, reports and some photos. Latest: I've input and added all the games played in this event by Leon Rosselson. Leon has kindly sent me his entire stock of scoresheets and scorebooks which will in due course be featured here as a player collection. To start, I have input all his games from this tournament. One of them, his first round game vs Durao was already here, but Leon's version has more moves. The other nine, including games with O'Kelly, Wade and BH Wood, are new. Many thanks to Leon.
15/07/22 1927 Scarborough Colle 32 of the 45 Premier games, plus 2 from lower sections. Crosstables and report.
15/07/22 1927 Kent Premier G Thomas, F Yates 23 of the 28 games played in the 1927 Kent premier played in Tunbridge Wells. Also two games from subsidiary sections. Crosstables of Premier and other leading sections.
14/07/22 2022 South Wales International Peter Wells All 200 games, from, plus full crosstable, created by me.
14/07/22 1993 British Championship M Hennigan 234 games from the 1993 British Championship played in Dundee, plus four games from the Hennigan/Kumaran play-off. Posted here for the first time on 30 July 2021. Full crosstable plus results of subsidiary sections. Latest: Ken Norman has sent me a corrected version of his round 8 game vs Graham Lilley. Thanks, Ken. He also points out that ChessBase (not BritBase, I hasten to add) shows the well-known brevity Alekhine 1-0 Bruce as being lost by Rowena, whereas in fact it was her future husband Ronald who lost the game. I've added it to Korrection Korna in the hope that the ChessBase people will spot it and amend accordingly.
13/07/22 BritBase Updates 1983-1986 If you navigate to the 1980s page, you will see that I have been busy updating files between 1983 and 1986, including a couple of new files (e.g. the 1986 GLC Challenge and 1986 Oakham Young Masters events).
10/07/22 1973 Guardian Royal Masters Jan Timman All 45 games from this 10-player a.p.a. in which Timman secured his 1st GM norm. Plus 22 games from the GRE Masters Reserves, won by Nunn, and 6 games from the Women's International won jointly by Susan Caldwell and Sheila Jackson. Latest: added crosstables, report, photos and two annotations.
10/07/22 1983 Benedictine International Plaskett 103 of the 225 games played in this Manchester-based event. New item here as of 10 July 2022. Complete crosstable.
08/07/22 1927 London Olympiad Hungary 281 of the 480 games from the inaugural FIDE Olympiad held in London in July 1927. A huge debt of thanks is owed to the late Ken Whyld who went to great lengths to trace the games from this event. Latest: I've tracked down the score of the annulled Kostich-Atkins game which had to be replayed.
07/07/22 1927 Imperial Chess Club, London Nimzowitsch Eight of the 30 games from this six-player tournament played mid-November 1927. I've also appended a game Nimzowitsch won against Romi in London a week or so after the Imperial tournament ended.
05/07/22 1927 British Empire Club Masters Nimzowitsch, Tartakower All 66 games of this 12-player tournament played in London. The games have been in the public domain for many years; I have added a photo, crosstable and the contemporary report from BCM.
03/07/22 1939 Birmingham Lod Prins A new item: 20 of the 45 games from a strong ten-player round-robin played immediately after the 1938/39 Hastings tournament. Very few of these games have hitherto found their way into databases. Crosstable and reports included. Latest: two more games added - thanks to Ulrich Tamm and Andy Ansel.
03/07/22 1938 Plymouth Jubilee G Thomas, A Alekhine A new item: 22 of the 28 games from the Plymouth Premier, where first place was shared by Sir George Thomas and Alekhine. Plus nine games from subsidiary events. I've also pieced together the crosstables of subsidiary events, barring a handful of missing results. Latest: three more games from subsidiary events added. My thanks to Ulrich Tamm
24/06/22 1950 Ilford Premier D Hooper, J Penrose New item: 7 of the 15 games, plus 3 part-games, of this six-player all-play-all which was the first of a long-running Whitsun event.
21/06/22 1946 London Championship Sir George Thomas 12 of the 28 games from the eight-player final of the London Championship Final, hosted by the Lud-Eagle club. Latest: a 12th game added: Wenman 0-1 König (rd 3). Thanks to Andy Ansel for forwarding this one.
09/06/22 1953/54 Hastings Alexander, Bronstein New item: all 45 Premier games, plus five from other sections. Crosstables, results, reports and photos, including one of the famous marathon game between Hugh Alexander and David Bronstein which made big headlines in the UK.
06/06/22 1951 Southsea Rossolimo, Tartakower A new item: 21 games and 2 part-games from the Stevenson Memorial / SCCU Championsip of April 1951. Complete crosstable, reports, results and two photos. Latest: one more game added, a brevity of eight moves, though the score looks questionable. My attempt at reconstruction failed - can you do better?
03/06/22 1951/52 Hastings Gligoric All 45 Premier games plus 13 games from subsidiary tournaments, crosstables, press cuttings, etc. Latest: added two more games from the Premier Major Reserves: (1) F.Sämisch 1-0 J.Fuller; (2) F.Sämisch 0-1 W.Ritson Morry. Thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
01/06/22 1926 British Championship FD Yates 53 of the 66 games from the 1926 British Championship held in Edinburgh, plus seven games from that year's Major Open. Latest update: one Championship game added - C.Gurnhill 1-0 W.Gooding (rd 8). Many thanks to Geoff Chandler who submitted it. I have also added/amended round numbers and dates for the 1926 Women's Championship.
01/06/22 1914 British Championship FD Yates 37 of the 55 games from the 1914 British Championship held in Chester just after the outbreak of the Great War, plus 28 games from that year's Major Open, 4 from the Ladies' Championship and 18 from other events. Latest update: added the game J.Parry 1-0 R.Lean from one of the Handicap events, and added some round numbers and dates to games from subsidiary sections. My thanks to Brian Denman.
04/05/22 1939/40 Hastings F Parr 10 of the 28 Premier games, with 3 part-games and 1 from a subsidiary event. Latest: Added one game: C.Hammond 1-0 R Coman (rd 4, Premier Reserves), submitted by Brian Denman, for which many thanks.
04/05/22 1938/39 Hastings Szabo All 45 games of the Premier, plus 19 games from subsidiary sections plus crosstables, etc. Latest: Added three games from subsidiary sections: (1) A John Peters ½-½ M Ellinger (Premier Reserves c); (2) F Heemskerk 1-0 M Musgrave (Major A); (3) F Sisley 1-0 H Heneage (Major B). My thanks to Brian Denman for submitting the games. I've also transferred the game F van Seters 1-0 J Perlmutter (Premier Reserves B) to this file - it had been misfiled under 1939/40.
28/04/22 2022 Central London Congress Alistair Hill Games from the three sections of the Central London / Imperial College Congress, 22-24 April. Thanks to Lance Leslie-Smith for forwarding the games.
28/04/22 2022 Mill Hill Congress P Koiza, M Dignam Games from the three sections of the Mill Hill Congress, 26/27 March. Thanks to Lance Leslie-Smith for forwarding the games.
27/04/22 1938 British Championship CHO'D Alexander 40 of the 66 Championship games, plus 46 games from subsidiary events, results, crosstables. Latest Update: Added two games from subsidiary sections: (1) Lacy-Hulbert 1-0 L Birch (First Class C, rd 11); (2) James Blackley Goble 1-0 W A Aston (Second Class B). Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, for which many thanks.
27/04/22 1937 British Championship WA Fairhurst 44 of the 66 games, plus 16 games from subsidiary events, results and crosstables, and a photo from a regional newspaper. Latest update: Three games added: (1) H Mallison 1-0 J O'Donovan (Major Open, rd 11); (2) J S Richardson 0-1 Lacy-Hulbert (First Class C, rd 2); (3) Lacy-Hulbert 1-0 L Schaechter (First Class). Contributed by Gerard Killoran via the English Chess Forum, for which many thanks.
19/04/22 1983 Lewisham International J Plaskett 101 games input from a bulletin of the 1983 Lewisham International, the third and last in the series, and actually held in a hotel in central London. It featured five GMs - Miles, Stean, Forintos, Westerinen and Flesch - but was won by soon-to-be GM Plaskett. Latest: John Nicholson shared his games from this tournament with me of which two were needed to complete the set - his rd 2 draw with Casa and rd 3 draw with Zak. Thanks, John.
19/04/22 2022 London Women's Norm Events Lan Yao / Machteld van Foreest All the games of the two women's norm events held at the London Mindsports Centre, 7-11 April.
19/04/22 2022 Southend Open Joakim Nilsson 232 games from the Southend Easter Open. Thanks to Lance Leslie-Smith for notifying me of the link to the games.
18/04/22 1904 City of London National Napier All 126 extant games, plus 10 blanks, with copious notes, of the games played in this tournament which shortly preceded the first British (BCF) Championship. Kindly contributed by Eduardo Bauza, with full names and sources given. Latest: I am grateful to 'Tabanus' of for drawing my attention to the extra game A.Mackenzie 0-1 J.Blackburne (rd 6) and the correct date for the games of rd 12.
12/03/19 1949 London-Sydney Radio Match London A 10-board match played via radio on 26/28 August 1949 between teams representing the city leagues of London and Sydney, Australia. Latest: the score of Steiner-Broadbent has been corrected to show 8...Nb6 (and not 8...Nb4 as previously). My thanks to Paul Summers for drawing my attention to this.
11/03/22 2022 Varsity Match The 140th Varsity match takes place tomorrow, 12 March 2022, from about 12.30 UK time. Live link at chess24.
07/03/22 1926 West of England, Weston-Super-Mare Euwe 37 of the 45 games played, with 12 from lower sections. Also a contemporary report and two photos.
22/02/22 2004/5 Hastings Knock-Out/Swiss Vladimir Belov Originally posted with 87 games in 2007, and now with a further eight games supplied by Brian Denman, for which many thanks. It now consists of 82 longplay games and 13 blitz games. This was the year a complicated hybrid knock-out/Swiss system was tried at Hastings (and thankfully never attempted again). Now includes full results for the congress.
18/02/22 Varsity Chess Matches - I've added some more pages to the Varsity chess match records, which now goes back as far as 1930, with the biographical page expanding in tandem with each year added. I've also provided a new page featuring accounts of Varsity chess match history, notably two articles by B Goulding Brown from 1916 and 1917 (the first co-written by PW Sergeant) in which the origins of the two clubs and the match are detailed.
14/02/22 1968 Northern Open, Whitby K Bachmann First upload of 43 games from this 11-round event held immediately before the British Championship. Games culled from BCM, CHESS and the chess pages of Mike Donnelly. It includes all 11 games of future GM Walter Browne, none of which appear on Mega/Big 2022 and only one of which has found its way into
07/02/22 2022 #GibChess Battle of the Sexes Team Sabino All 100 games from the Men vs Women Scheveningen format tournament played in Gibraltar, 24 January to 3 February.
12/01/22 1930 Hastings (April) Drewitt, Winter Two of the ten games of a five-player tournament played in Hastings in April 1930, just before the Canterbury Tournament. Only two games but one of them, Menchik 1-0 Winter, is making its first appearance online here and doesn't feature in the Robert Tanner book collection of Menchik's games. Latest: now four games, thanks to Brian Denman sending me Winter 1-0 Jackson (rd 1) and Drewitt 1-0 Menchik (rd 3). Thanks, Brian.
12/01/22 1922 Hastings Six Masters Alekhine All 30 games from the six-player double-cycle tournament won by Alekhine ahead of Rubinstein in Hastings in September 1922. I've added a couple of reports from the Times.
06/01/22 Varsity Chess Matches (1873-2020) - All the game scores from this series of matches in a single file for viewing and download. It currently amounts to 737 game entries, a few of which are stubs or positions from games. Latest: John Cox sent me his games from the 1982 and 1983 matches, vs Stuart Niman and Allan Beardsworth respectively. Thanks, John.
24/12/21 2021 EJCOA Forest Hall (2nd) Matthew Wadsworth All 45 games from the second (December) IM norm tournament organised by EJCOA in Forest Hall, Newcastle.
23/12/21 1974 Robert Silk & Paignton Premier John Nunn / Nigel Povah 10 of the 28 games played in the Robert Silk tournament played alongside the annual Paignton Congress. 18 games from the Paignton Premier, plus 7 from Paignton Challengers A. Crosstables of the two main events, plus results from other sections.
10/12/21 2021 London Chess Classic: England v Rest of World Rest of the World 18 games of the Scheveningen format match in which England's Mickey Adams, Gawain Jones and Luke McShane took on Boris Gelfand, Nikita Vitiugov and Maxime Lagarde.
30/10/21 2021 EJCOA Forest Hall (1st) Tarun Kanyamarala All 45 games from the first (October) IM norm tournament organised by EJCOA in Forest Hall, Newcastle.
29/10/21 1976/77 Hastings O Romanishin 105 games from the Premier (previously posted here as part of a larger zipped file), plus 43 games from the Challengers and other sections, crosstables and results. Update: nine more Challengers games from the bulletin (which I discovered on one of my chess shelves!). I have also completed the Challengers crosstable.
26/10/21 2021 Hull 4NCL GM Czopor, Fodor All 45 games from this GM norm event.
24/10/21 2021 Varsity Oxford-Cambridge Oxford All eight games, report, photo.
18/10/21 2021 British Championships Nick Pert, Harriet Hunt, etc All 475 games of the various British Championship sections played in Hull and Milton Keynes, plus crosstables of all sections.
17/10/21 1964 BCF Selection Tournament & Ilford Premier O Hindle (BCF Selection); J Penrose (Ilford) All the games of the 1964 Ilford Premier and 1964 BCF Olympiad Selection Tournament held at Whitsun and (in the case of the Selection Tournament) also over the August Bank Holiday. First uploaded in 2009, but now with report, viewer, photos and crosstables.
14/10/21 1983 Regency Masters Mark Hebden Upload of 100 games published in the tournament bulletin, plus one sourced from elsewhere (222 were played in total) plus a full crosstable. Many thanks to Nigel Povah for supplying the 1981, 1982 and 1983 bulletins. Has anyone got the 1980 Regency Ramsgate bulletin? It's still needed in order to complete documentation of this excellent series of British tournaments. Latest: another game added - Rachels 1-0 Kosten (rd 4) - thanks to Andy Ansel for contributing it.
14/10/21 1982 Regency Masters Mark Hebden Upload of 91 games published in the bulletin (207 were played in total), plus a full crosstable. I had some difficulties in interpreting the bulletin in places but most were resolved. Many thanks to Nigel Povah for supplying the bulletin. Latest: now up to 92 games: added Nunn ½-½ Langeweg (rd4). My thanks to Gerald Hartmann for send me this game. Also, some changes have been made to the scores of Grooten-Muir (rd 7), Upton-Carlier (rd 9) and Binham-Kosten (rd 9) after I have had sight of fully legible pages from the bulletin.
11/10/21 1968 Glasgow Invitational Mike Basman All 48 games played in this September 1968 weekender, with 16 players. Entered from the bulletin by Alan McGowan, for which many thanks. Latest: my appeal for further info about the one missing game and another incomplete score was successfully answered by Jim Anderson. I've now entered the missing score he sent me and also reinterpreted the incomplete game so it makes sense. Thanks, Jim.
10/10/21 1979 Aaronson Masters Paul Littlewood Originally posted as a zipped file with 114 games in 1998, now with a further eight games, including all those played by the winner, Paul Littlewood, and Murray Chandler. Latest: (1) score of P.Littlewood-Ligterink amended; (2) three games attributed to Julian Hodgson now corrected to show the player was John H Hodgson; (3) full crosstable now available. My thanks to Gert Ligterink and Paul Littlewood for their help with these amendments.
07/10/21 1984 Lewisham International Hebden, de Boer 111 games originally uploaded as a zipped file in 2006 but a missing game has now been added and game viewer and crosstable included. Latest: the final move of the game Ady-Hebden (0-1, rd 4) has been amended (28...Qxg4, not 28...Qh4). Amusingly, this game is identical to Timman-Nunn, Dutch Radio 1983, and also to Kosten-Hebden, Regency Masters 1982 (though in the latter case White played a further move before resigning).
04/10/21 1979 Denmark v England Denmark 16 games from a two-round eight-board match to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Danish federation. It passed without mention in BCM, CHESS, the Times and the Guardian, but the games were given in the 2nd (and last!) issue of International Chess.
01/10/21 2021 Manx Liberty Luke McShane 45 games from this strong ten-player all-play-all held in Douglas, Isle of Man, last month. By an extraordinary coincidence I arrived in Douglas as a tourist the day the tournament got underway and only learnt of its existence by chance. I visited and took some photos which I feature here.
01/10/21 2021 Hendon 2300+ Ezra Kirk 19 games played in an eight-player, five-round weekender at Hendon Chess Club last month. My thanks to Rob Hammond for supplying the games.
14/09/21 1980 Jersey International Ian Wells 52 games from the 1980 Jersey (Lloyds Bank) International, won by the late Ian Wells. Very much a collaborative effort: Andy Ansel very kindly sent me the bulk of these games a year ago, to which I have added the complete games of Ian Wells, supplied by Sean Parker in 2015, and Dr James Aitken, input by Geoff Chandler, while Bob Kane sent me the crosstable. I have included a couple of photos of Ian Wells I found online.
05/09/21 1981 Regency Masters Fedorowicz Now all 249 of the games from this 56-player nine-round Swiss event held in Ramsgate in December 1981. Nigel Povah kindly sent me the bulletin. Please note that a comparison of the 46 games previously posted here (mainly sourced from other databases) with the games as given in the bulletin brought to light quite a number of serious errors. Be sure to delete the 46 dodgy scores from your databases and replace with the 249 now posted.
31/08/21 2021 Northumbria Masters GM, IM & Open tournaments Games from the two 10-player all-play-alls and the Masters Open, 26-30 August 2021, plus crosstables from all three competitions.
31/08/21 2021 Muswell IM Czopor / Murphy All 45 games from the 10-player all-play-all held in London in early August 2021, plus a crosstable.
31/08/21 2019 Northumbria Masters Roeland Pruijssers 224 games from this event held in Newcastle in August 2019.
26/08/21 2021 Wood Green Invitational, Stafford Ravi Haria All 45 games. It's pleasant to have a contemporary OTB tournament to feature for once. Ravi Haria achieved a GM norm and Marcus Harvey his final IM norm.
20/08/21 1999 British Championship, Scarborough Julian Hodgson 471 games from the Championship, plus 12 from sibsidiary events. These games have been here for at least 12 years but I have now removed the defunct java viewer and included a crosstable and results of other sections.
19/08/21 1984 - 6th Regency Masters Ramsgate Andy Martin, Bruno Carlier, Gyozo Forintos, Herman Grooten All 212 games from this event, from a bulletin supplied by Stewart Reuben. These games were already on Mega/Big 2008 but contained numerous mistakes, which I tried to eradicate. Latest: I've revamped this file and included a crosstable.
19/08/21 1993/94 4NCL Invicta Knights 208 of the 240 possible games from the first season of the 4NCL (British Team Chess League). I input these games myself around 2006 and in 2016 gave them a make-over to include team data and make them viewable online. 32 games are still missing from the second weekend of the season, held in Bolton. If anyone has any leads to the discovery of these games, please let me know. Originally uploaded 204 games (2016) since when four have been found. Latest: eagle-eyed Andy Ansel spotted the game A.P.Smith 1-0 L McShane - which had been missing from this collection - in Andrew Smith's new book Off the Board Chess. Now added. Thanks, Andy.
25/07/21 1989 Lloyds Bank Masters Azmaiparashvili 223 games posted here for the first time. I have corrected some of the names from what appears on ChessBase, but have so far only been able to provide dates and round numbers for about two thirds of the games, based on the part-crosstable that was published in the 1990-91 BCF Yearbook (which also had errors). Can anyone loan me the tournament bulletin?
22/07/21 1992 Lloyds Bank Masters Speelman, Timoscenko 204 games from this tournament, posted here for the first time (12 July 2021). They consist of 177 games from the bulletin (as posted on Mega/Big Databases) plus all the games played by me and Tony Corkett, who kindly sent me a batch of his Lloyds Bank games. I've also applied corrections to the file as published by ChessBase, and added round numbers and dates. And included a complete crosstable as published in the bulletin. Latest: ten games played by Kevin Thurlow added, for which many thanks.
13/07/21 1991 Lloyds Bank Masters Shirov 205 games from this tournament, posted here for the first time (13 July 2021). I've applied a number of amendments to the games, and added some more, played and submitted by Tony Corkett. Many thanks, Tony. I've also produced a complete crosstable and supplied other material from the bulletin.
05/07/21 1984 Lloyds Bank Masters John Nunn 184 games, which is just two more than already appears on ChessBase's Big Database 2020. I've also added dates and made various amendments to names and moves. Latest: further amendments to scores as identified by Andy Ansel, for which many thanks. Details of amendments listed in the file.
04/07/21 1988 Lloyds Bank Masters G Lane, M Adams 205 games. First time uploaded here.
17/05/21 1956 Paignton Premier F E A Kitto All 28 games. These have been available here since 1997 but now have dates, and there is a crosstable, contemporary reports and results from other sections. Plus a game from the women's international which was held alongside that year's Paignton Congress. Latest: Ulrich Tamm sent me a second game from the women's international, between Fenny Heemskerk and Elfriede Rinder (Rd 2). Thanks, Ulrich.
10/05/21 1955 British Championship Golombek 80 of a possible 198 games, plus 1 game fragment and 4 games from other sections. Full results and crosstables. Latest: four Aitken games added.
09/05/21 1963 British Championship J.Penrose All 154 Championship games plus 80 from subsidiary sections and full results and crosstables. Latest: the game J.Littlewood-J.Penrose (Rd 4) has been discovered to have an obvious input error (34 Kf1 must be wrong). I have substituted a move (34 Re3) after which the remaining score makes sense. Further news: Andy Ansel has consulted the 1963 tournament bulletin and confirms that 34 Re3 was played. Thanks, Andy.
03/05/21 1967 Glasgow Open Ray Keene All 60 games from the Glasgow Open played in September 1967. My thanks to Alan McGowan for drawing my attention to this download at the Chess Scotland site.
03/05/21 1965 Glorney Cup Scotland All 36 games of the Glorney Cup (junior team tournament) played in Glasgow in August 1965. My thanks to Alan McGowan for drawing my attention to this download at the Chess Scotland site.
03/05/21 1962 Derby Premier Hindle / Hilton All 24 games of the eight-player, six-round Derby Premier, played over the Easter weekend in 1962. My thanks to Michael Alderson for making the games available at the Derbyshire Chess Association website and notifying me.
16/03/21 1974 British Championship G Botterill All games of the championship in Clacton, plus seven-player play-off in Llanelli, plus five games from other sections. Latest: added the game Trangmar-Cook, Major Open.
08/03/21 1949 Varsity Oxford-Cambridge match Oxford This was first posted last year but I've now added considerably more detail as regards the preceding week's events, which used to be a major feature of these matches. I've added a few game scores from the matches against various London clubs played by the combined universities' squad, and also details of the Oxford Past vs Cambridge Past match.
28/02/21 1980 Lloyds Bank Masters Gheorghiu 132 games, plus 3 from the junior event running alongside. This is one fewer than had been posted here some time ago, as the game S.D.Brown-Nunn was actually played in a different tournament one month previous to the Lloyds Bank Masters. I have now included a complete crosstable, plus text from the official tournament bulletin.
22/02/21 Universities Chess, Xmas Term 1964 - PDF of the 17-page bulletin of the British Universities Chess Association, edited by RFT (Frank) Wood, son of BH Wood. Includes reports of the 1964 World Students Team Championship (Cracow) and the 1964 BUCA (British Universities Chess Association) Congress in Manchester.
22/02/21 Universities Chess, Summer Term 1965 - PDF of the 15-page bulletin of the British Universities Chess Association, edited by RFT (Frank) Wood, son of BH Wood (whose signature may be seen on the cover). Reports of university competitions, annotations by Mike Basman, Adrian Hollis and Peter Lee. Note that I have effected some technical amendments to PDF-loading generally - if you experienced problems loading PDFs in recent months, you should now find they load into your browser rather better than before.
09/01/21 1912 Varsity Match Oxford Four complete games and 1 part-game from the 1912 Varsity match, with results, reports and biographical material. My thanks to Gerard Killoran for supplying the photo, which prompted me to upload the file. Latest update: added the game Coad-Pryor v Davies, sent some time ago by Alan Smith, for which many thanks.
08/01/21 Varsity Match 1978 Cambridge An ambiguity in the score of Goodman-Mestel has been resolved and corrected. My thanks to John Swain.
07/01/21 Happy New Year Happy new year to all BritBase readers. After a very busy year in 2020, I took a bit of a break over Xmas but am taking up the cudgels again today. Three Varsity match games added today, to each of the 1971, 1978 and 1979 matches. My thanks to John Swain for submitting the games.

Record of older updates here...